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Denied What is this sorcery?

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by HazTheMan99, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. HazTheMan99

    HazTheMan99 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): HazTheMan99
    Date/Time: 12/01/2014 21:36 UTC/GMT
    Reason: ''minor towny greifing''
    Ban Length: 24 hours
    Staff Member: DianaB72
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    Firstly: can i just say, since when was chucking a few eggs on the ground considered griefing, oh wait i know! on 24th december when the rules were CHANGED. These new rules were put into place over 2 weeks ago and i hadn't been informed of these new rules by anyone.
    when i joined this server i went on the meepcraft website to the rules section and studied those rules for a good half an hour letting myself know what is acceptable and then you go and change them without letting me know then punish me for something i did not know was illegal!

    i honestly love this server and have INVESTED $80 USD OF MY OWN MONEY THAT I WORKED HARD TO EARN. Then i throw eggs on the floor to give hornemans some chickens as a gift because i thought it was his birthday and suddenly nerf gets banned and then i go read the rules again and find this sneaky legal stuff that was not shown to me prior upon completion.

    why dont i put this into context here ? here is what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED
    1) a staff member posts some rules online
    2) haztheman99 reads them
    3) rules get changed
    4) editor of rules says /shout the meepcraft rules have been updated go check them out!
    5) haztheman99 reads the new rules
    6) haztheman99 doesnt give hornemans chickens for his birthday

    and then haztheman99 gets a punishment for something he did not know was illegal.

    i am sorry for doing this supposed illegal act however in my defense, i wasnt informed of these new rules. and if the new rules were mentioned in shout then i am sorry but i did not see that shout as sometimes i focus on other things that sitting 24/7 eyes glued to my chat box area. and pls dont give me a careless reply saying ''you broke the rules, you should be punished blah blah'' or the same old ''DENIED'' that people get without the staff member even taking considerable effort into replying because quite frankly its EXACTLY the same as changing tax without the residents knowing in order to scam money.
    meepcraft is part of my day to day life and today it wasn't because i threw some eggs on the ground.

    PS. this is a fault in the plugin that allows people to throw eggs on plots that have their perms turned off and my personal view of this is that if ender pearls arent allowed without plot permissions then why are eggs?
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    This clause is not new and has been in effect for quite some time.

    nasapc123 likes this.
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