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Way to get rid of Rankism

Discussion in 'Denied' started by dragon8877, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    Some not all
    I posted a thread in under the discussion column talking about if Rankism has gotton worse, and from the poll I posted, it apparently has. The main problem that I observed wasn't "They're citizens, they don't even want to donate, ect, ect." But rather that Donors and the meepcraft community can't tell the difference between citizens who have been on for over a year and the one's who just come on the server and leave the next day.
    That why I propose a new type of ranking for citizens. The longer you stay on meepcraft, the higher your citizen rank goes. Maybe after a year of you staying on meepcraft, you go from Citizen to Senior Citizen. They won't receive any benefits, they'll just have their rank changed, this way the Meepcraft community can tell the difference between them and a newbie.
    Now, I'm sure that you're all wondering, how does this tie in win money as well as improve the meepcraft community? New players are the foundation that all minecraft servers are built upon. A server must keep having a continuous stream of new players entering the server, or the server will become stale. With the way is currently is with the Donators ignoring all the citizens in chat, it's driving away not only the new players, but the old players as well (not everyone wants to donate and not everyone is willing to give up their hard earned meebles to pay for a rank up) Driving away both new and old non-ranked players = less money for the server = less time being put into the server by staff and admins = ranked players leaving = even more new and old players leaving.
    ryker26, 00000, Dat_Coffee and 8 others like this.
  2. creepersareokay

    creepersareokay Celebrity Meeper

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    Now THIS I can get behind, +1
  3. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1. If only I had thought if this when I was a citizen.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  4. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    #downwithrankism!!!!! Hashtag it people
  5. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    Rankism is nothing but a delusional notion stemming from a hunger for attention.

    This applies to the following:
    • Those stating they deserve/want to be noticed
    • Those stating another party deserves/should be noticed
    • Those jumping on the Meepcraft -the-next-hype-bandwagon

    I have been actively playing on Meepcraft for over 2 years. I have dedicated myself a lot more to this server than most think. In all my experience, I have never seen anything even remotely close to being considered the mythical term "Rankism". Matter of fact, this term was born from a joke on shout. You stated within the poll thread you posted that you had only come back for a week and you'd already supposedly seen so much "Rankism". From what experiences may I ask?

    There are people who ask things out shout, and when they do get an answer they do not notice it. Then they end up whining about it on shout, spamming sometimes until they get lashed out on by other members because of the spam and/or complaining.

    There are people who ask things, and they actually stump the community. No one knows how to answer them, (or the few who'd actually know are too busy to answer) and in general people do not want to look stupid in front of others. So people do not admit to them "I don't know", or "Could you rephrase that maybe?".

    There are also other situations where there isn't anyone online willing to help because they are busy playing the game, they are busy talking to friends online, they don't feel like answering, they assume someone else will answer the question, or they don't feel obligated to answer (which they aren't). Or even, it is at a time when shout is getting flooded with conversations so the question or statement ends up getting overlooked.

    As an Ultimate member, I have been ignored as well. I've asked things on shout, said things on shout, and have gotten no response. Hell, sometimes when I answer someone's question I get no thanks or the person ignores/or doesn't notice me and keeps asking until someone else has to. I have had every donator rank during the time I've played here. I have gone through moments with each of those ranks where I have gotten ignored or overlooked. When there are consistent messages in shout, you have to realize some of the messages are also going to get washed out by the flood of chatter.

    You cannot honestly expect to get a flood of messages like certain people do when they speak. Some of these people have a reputation earned through dedication, and friends.

    Now if this whole "Rankism" thing were actuality, would you please explain this to me?:
    How does it make any sense to suggest the implementation of a new rank, when its sole purpose is to differentiate between the "more experienced" Citizens and the "noobs"? Would that not be "rankist" in itself to suggest sticking the "noob" label on these Citizens?

    Don't get me wrong here... I'm not concerned this suggestion would actually be taken seriously - but I am sick of hearing "RANKISM OMG!" It is honestly the most ignorant and delusional thing I've had the misfortune to witness brewing up from this server.
    Zebo616, Nager2012, SX1 and 14 others like this.
  6. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    I think it should be a new citizen rank per month, and then stopping after a year.

    Other than that, +1
  7. jmelara

    jmelara Popular Meeper

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    So we are encouraging not donating? I read the thread but it makes no sense. Why the heck a SENIOR CITZEN sounds like they have more prestige than a ultimate. I mean really? Bubble bee everyone gets ignored. It's life grow a pear. -1 basically encouraging not donating to become a SENIOR CITIZEN.

    Also it makes meep look like a retirement home for people.
  8. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you a lot for your huge reply!
    "Rankism is nothing but a delusional notion stemming from a hunger for attention."- Normally I would agree about delusions stemming from hunger for attention. However most citizens aren't asking to constantly be on the spotlight, they just want their questions answered. These type of questions go out of the tutorial and more into the meepcraft community. For example "How much is a Misterbacon Head worth?' Is a question I asked yesterday, and no one even answered. I gave up until I noticed a ranked player asking the same question and being met with multiple offers and answers.
    "From what experiences may I ask?" I already gave an example up above, but let's continue to others. I would be ignored by ranked players in CTF because of my rank, even when I offered proper (and my I say successful) strategies to win. The ranked players would ignore me and go do their own thing, while only other citizens would listen to me. Another was when I was denied a mansion or even a larger plot because of my rank.
    Another one of was from my friend Raizomu (who's gone now) who bought VIP imply so people wouldn't ignore him in chat.
    Another was when I messaged a ranked player for a job that they were giving out in /shout. They ignored me for around 10 minutes until they messaged me back saying that I was the only one who responded.
    Now don't get me wrong, the server isn't obligated whatsoever to come flooding to answer question in /shout. But wouldn't you too be frustrated when you're trying to ask a simple question that isn't answered no matter how many times you ask it, but when an Ultimate asks it and is met with 3-6 replies, wouldn't you too be ticked and want change?
    I could care less about the newest players, because the donors do have a point, a majority of them leave and just drift from server to server. However the citizens that stay here, and have stayed here on this server for a while, will leave because they are continuously grouped with the new players that come to this server. I can't count the amount of times I've seen a citizen hacker, a citizen scammer, or a stupid citizen. I, and most citizen who have been here for a while, want to be distinguished (or at least labeled so the server knows we're not the newest newb) (which what some of the posts on my other thread in discussion talked was the problem.)
    Which would you rather have? Lose players (who can become vibrant members of the community) because of rankism? Or put this little add-on on the server, where the possibility of effecting the server negatively is extremely low (because let's be serious, nothing in this world in guaranteed)
    Also, maybe pulling an all nighter to argue this wasn't such a good idea xD
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 6, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 6, 2015 ---
    It's an example Jmelara of a POSSIBLE rank. Also, I see Ultimate has over senior citizen, because when I see Ultimate, I see almost a god, in sparkling gold light. When I see senior citizen, I see an old, withered person in a retirement home. "encouraging not donating" would be if we gave special benefits to those people, which I said we're not, just a different rank.
    00000, metr0n0me and benster82 like this.
  9. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    like in my garden?
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
  10. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

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    Please don't hate for this response, but citizens are less likely to stay. People ignore them because they think helping someone who is likely to leave in a week is pointless. I have befriended citizens and then they disappear whether they get banned because they don't care about the server anymore or just have too much to do in real life. Any ranked person is more likely to stay on Meepcraft for a longer period of time than the average citizen. (I know there are citizens that do stay for awhile) Because of this, people tend to talk to and help ranked people in hopes of getting their attention, or just to help them because they know they're a well known person or whatever. Some people also feel it useless to help citizens because they question something that sounds like something so obvious to know. From this, the ranked people don't bother answering a question they believe a stupid one. Also, next time you guys see a citizen ask a question in shout, you should just instantly give a response whether the question sounds too easy for them not know, or something you might not even know. This will help keep new players on Meepcraft. We were all citizens at one point and we all needed help. We either chose the path to figure things out on our own or ask people everything we didn't know, and either of those are totally fine. Anywho, that's all I can think of at the time. Thanks if you read this... :D
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  11. Klitch


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    Better solution: Vip should be the default rank. Make a new one that's 10$. Forreal if everyone sees that they're a vip they're gonna feel cool and wanted.
  12. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    You're basing your reasoning on assumptions dragon8877.

    You're continuing to assume only the older Citizens are being ignored.
    You assume everyone and every instance is occurring within the same circumstances.

    You continue to assume that other people's perspectives are the issue when:
    You're assuming the newer Citizens are stupid, disloyal and incompetent. AKA You're generalizing them in negative light.

    nathnana2002, you too are making assumptions about the circumstances in which these instances are taking place.

    Klitcher, that's not worth the time.
  13. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    You people are really funny sometimes. You want a new title so citizens are less ignored? Sorry, but it won't work. The only thing we can do is be nicer to people, or be equally rude to everyone
    metr0n0me and Llamazon like this.
  14. Skythekid1526

    Skythekid1526 Popular Meeper

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    This has been suggested a lot recently, like I did: http://meepcraft.com/threads/dedication-rank.49268/
    I personally think that we should have something like an In front of the name if they have been playing for 6+ months and know all the aspects of the server. I ALWAYS see that cits are treated like dirt by everyone, once a citizen was selling heads. I was there when it happened but, some Supreme got there and bought their whole store because the supreme knew that he (the Citizen) was dumb enough to accept this for only 10k (He had over 35 heads)
    We need to treat citizens better or they will leave the server if they are ripped off, aren't noticed, etc etc. We should make a WAAAY better tutorial on everything. It would give citizens A full aspect of the server and we all wouldn't call them Newbs anymore. Plus we should make a message if someone isn't shouting across the server in a while they would get a message like, "Want to send a message across the whole server? Try /shout or /g!" Or something like that. There are over 600k citizens, if we could make Meepcraft a better place to live, play games, or just hang out with friends and build. I get it, some parents aren't spending their hard earned cash on this when everyone else is, It makes them feel left out, so Citizens should get SOME SORT OF RANK, It really does feel great when you get a rank, when I got VIP way back, I felt SO great, like I would get noticed and I had all these things, plus I wouldn't be called a noob anymore. Thanks if you read thewhole thing
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 7, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 7, 2015 ---
    Lol didn't mean to cross all of it out xD
  15. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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    All ranked people were citizens at one time :rolleyes:
    Did they stay? Yes :)
    metr0n0me and jmelara like this.
  16. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    What if this is all just a huge scheme to get citizens to donate???

  17. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    The term "more likely to leave" isn't the same as "they all leave" last time I checked. There were what, 200000+ citizens in the last 2 years who came on Meep, and did they stay? No. Therefore nathnana is correct in saying that citizens are more likely to leave.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 7, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 7, 2015 ---
    I am seriously considering making 20 alts just to like this 20 times.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  18. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

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    As I mentioned later in it, most citizens don't stay.
  19. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Im not gonna read any of this because personnaly I cant stand reading it, but if youre gonna get butthurt because someone ignores you, you shouldnt be on the internet.
  20. JoeK

    JoeK ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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    +1 After a month of playing it should go from [Drifter] -> [Citizen]
    Dat_Coffee likes this.

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