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Universal Healthcare

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Daniel Thompson, Apr 12, 2017.


Would Universal Health Care be helpful around the world?

  1. Yes, it is a vital thing to have.

  2. This could help, but would be a bad thing.

  3. No it will not work, I don't think it is.

  4. I'm not really sure about Universal Health Care.

  1. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    Universal Health care, is a system which helps cover all citizens of a country, usually to help cover a person with basic health care in case of accident or injury, and to help improve access to health care, and improve health outcomes. As of 2009 only 58 countries around the world have mandating universal health care, that actually cover over 90% of health insurance coverage and skilled birth attendance. Most of these countries (like, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, etc.) have this covered by a government Tax to help cover the cost to make the prices more affordable.

    The World Health Organization has described the that it's a situation where citizens can have access to health care without a huge financial cost. And UN members have agreed to work towards the health care coverage expanded more by 2030. While countries like Cuba, France and Russia being covered by the system, countries like the United States, China and Brazil are not covered by this basic health system that helps assist everyone in costs of surgeries to medication.

    The World Health Organisation has ranked France as the World's Best Health System, while the United States is ranked 37 out of 190 countries examined under this test. Even without this system America expects to pay more than those without Universal Health care. With systems like this in place, the government can reserve a tax or have a separate payment to normal taxes that pay for the country's health services.

    Some have displayed it being an outrage to pay for someone else's health care and not your own, even though its been said to be a basic human right for everyone to live. Discuss what you think about it.
  2. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    It won't work for America, the country is all for low taxes and capitalist ideals.

    Japan has universal healthcare and we are having problems with it, as we now have so many elderly people and so little young people to pay taxes.

    Semi socialist countries like Finland has had a great success with it, actually.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  3. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hahahha, human rights. In the next thirty years, those will be rewritten. Earth is past its carrying capacity, helping more people live longer is a bad idea.

    Also what Natsunsaid, same thing is happening in Canada
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    We can easily hold and feed 10 billion people as of right this second.

    How Many People Can Earth Support?
  5. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    inb4 Blue_marlin
    LordInateur, Muunkee, iKitten and 3 others like this.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Medicine should be socialized because it will cost society less than the current system. Corporations are not responsible to keep people healthy and alive, they are responsible for generating a profit.

    We're already paying for the uninsured, because they get medical help and can't pay.
  7. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 for that, actually.

    The current American hospitals are way too expensive for anyone to be paying. I was really surprised about how much they costed when I moved to the States. When I got sick in Japan, we were able to see the doctor for 200 yen. (about $2, yes children cost less) Now, I can't see a doctor when I get sick, I just hope that it's not serious and take cough drops.
    iKitten and Erebus45 like this.
  8. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    If we all went and lived in the lowest qualities, Earth can support 48 billion people. But if we go by North American standards, Earth can support 2 billion people.

    As well, there are more factors than just food. Resources, water, and space are other major factors
  9. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    Not being rude, but maybe you should just stick to a main course in Dinner then, and not 20 different courses at once, as well as eating all foods while you're at it.
    iKitten, Natsu and metr0n0me like this.
  10. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Not being rude, but Australia, your country, also fits under North American standdards
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  11. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    Please Explain? Because you have the biggest military spending then the next 7 countries COMBINED? You have a higher population than us? We don't have a right to bare arms? You are one of the biggest superpowers of the world? Your healthcare system is better? You have a stronger economy? Because we don't have laws to keep Muslims out? Face it America, you are NOT the greatest country in the world.

    Your military spending is way too much. You say that's good when infrastructure, transport and education is dying. Higher population, doesn't mean anything. It just means you are getting more crowded and harder to get to places. Right to bare arms? Australia has not had a SINGLE mass shooting since 1997 when we ban it to begin with, meanwhile, massacre two hours ago in America. Superpower, huh? Oh that's right you meant to be at peace with everyone, but hang on, there is a man's hair possessing him in power, he can't control himself. Healthcare, yeah make the poor suffer more than they need to, including one of the most important elements, HEALTH CARE. In American insurance companies, DENIED, DENIED, DENIED. Meanwhile in Australia, Accepted to all Australian Residents, and is open to all for cheaper prices for health. Stronger, more like damaged, with Trillions of dollars in public debt ($18.96 Trillion in fact), meanwhile Australia net debt $164 billion AUD($6,833pp in Australia and $59,454.37pp in America). Oh and Muslims, haha, HAVE YOU EVEN MET A MUSLIM?!?! I have met plenty and all of them are not terrorists, they are hardworking people, who worship their religion and their country, as well as Australia and follow the law of the land (like it says in Sharia Law). So you want to know the problem that is stopping the world from world peace? It's America. Want to know what is closed minded people? It's America. Oh and who is the real terrorist country that started ISIS and the wars in the Middle East? Oh that's right, IT'S AMERICA. You are the only country holding the world back from peace, because your country isn't fun, with causing a bit of chaos to everyone else like you always do. So face it Marshy, America is not the greatest country anymore.

    And to all those who are caring Americans, that care for others regardless and stand up for what is right, you deserve a better life as it is now. Not all of you are bad, but ignorant people need to be aware that "Everything in life doesn't evolve around you." These days every country has good and bad parts to it, America needs to learn that the first step of discovering a problem is finding out that you have one. Marshy like I said to Marlin on Minimum Wage debate, please do research to check that what you are saying is true? It is not hard, you are facing a screen, just Google Search.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    junelawnchaired, iKitten and Natsu like this.
  12. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Marshy is Canadian.
  13. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Let me start out by saying @Daniel Thompson , you are not from America so I think its more difficult for you to get a true sense of our smaller things, such as healthcare. Shoot in Australia they don't even has Social Security Numbers (ssn). So before you start throwing shade at America, learn more about it. Now I know some people strongly disagree with me and or think i'm uneducated with some of my opinions and thats okay, ill continue on with my opinions anyway. So lets start...

    Universal Health care
    Would never work in America, I think it would be a stupid idea to even consider it in America. May work for some countries but not ours.

    Because you have the biggest military spending then the next 7 countries COMBINED?
    I think we need more military spending, that way we don't have countries like North Korea (the peasant country they are) trying to pull some shadey crap, as well as some other countries.

    You have a higher population than us?

    Not sure why this is relevant, maybe because America is simply, the best?

    We don't have a right to bare arms?

    You also do not have a Constitution giving you the right to bare arms, so in America. The citizens will always have the right to have a gun.

    You are one of the biggest superpowers of the world?

    Thats a good thing!

    Your healthcare system is better?


    You have a stronger economy?

    A smarter economy and yes stronger then some. Again that would be a good thing in my eyes.

    Because we don't have laws to keep Muslims out?

    Neither does America?

    Face it America, you are NOT the greatest country in the world.

    I love America and so do millions of immigrants.

    Your military spending is way too much.

    Oh , I did not know you were a military expert. I believe we should put more money into the military. On top of taking care of our Veterans.

    You say that's good when infrastructure, transport and education is dying.

    Have you ever visited America? We have good roadways, airports and education. They just need some updating. Our roadways still work, our airports still fly planes and our children (and adults) are still learning. Sorry our bathrooms dont have personal butt wipers in them, but the toilets still flush!

    It just means you are getting more crowded and harder to get to places.

    If you took our illegal immigrants out we wouldn't have so many people, I guess so many people love America they are willing to break the law to come here. How many immigrants live in Australia again? Illegal and legal?

    Right to bare arms? Australia has not had a SINGLE mass shooting since 1997 when we ban it to begin with, meanwhile, massacre two hours ago in America.

    Congratulations. Want a cookie?

    Superpower, huh? Oh that's right you meant to be at peace with everyone, but hang on, there is a man's hair possessing him in power, he can't control himself.

    Donald Trump is highly qualified for the job, he is angry and wants other countries and people to stop abusing us. (abuse as in taking advantage of)

    Healthcare, yeah make the poor suffer more than they need to, including one of the most important elements, HEALTH CARE. In American insurance companies, DENIED, DENIED, DENIED.

    If a homeless man walks into a hospital and has a heart attack he wont get DENIED DENIED DENIED,

    Meanwhile in Australia, Accepted to all Australian Residents, and is open to all for cheaper prices for health.

    In Australia do people without children pay for pediatric health care? Because under Obama care we pay for other peoples healthcare.

    Do you understand why were in so much debt? We send out so much money its unreal.

    Are you stupid?

    Says the one that said America has a law against Muslims and we are the reason there isn't world peace. Yes so many people should be listening to you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 13, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 13, 2017 ---
    Okay idk why half of them didn't show the quote so just bare with it.
  15. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    *Sigh* ("Here's joined this one too") Oh Marlin hi, did you do your research like I asked?
    Muunkee, iKitten, Natsu and 1 other person like this.
  16. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    D0n't compare Australia to us.
    Australia is just white africa.

    Maybe because America is simply, the horniest?
  17. iGwampa

    iGwampa Popular Meeper

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    this is a minecraft server not the congressional office
    Daniel Thompson likes this.
  18. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    Thank you, I didn't want to argue like one, but it had to come to it, as some people just love to argue over EVERY little thing.
  19. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Like Klutz said, I'm Canadian. We have universal healthcare, and the population is feeling the pain of it. Taxes rate are quite high. I believe it's 50% on 200,000 CAD in earnings, and something like 40% on 120,000CAD (Canadian dollar is about equal to Aussie dollar, but Canadian dollar buys more due to import and import fees)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 13, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 13, 2017 ---
    As well, America does have a higher population, massacre rates are higher, but really, if someone wants to it will happen. Remember Paris? They have strict gun laws. Last few weeks quite a few trucks have hit people, eh? That kills quite a bit, and oh, wait. We shouldn't allow people to drive because they'll drive it into a crowd. And, oh, someone is in a car crash every few seconds? Gotta take that away, too.

    Now excuse me while I enjoy my free universal healthcare
    iKitten, Ranger0203 and Blue_Marlin like this.
  20. Daniel Thompson

    Daniel Thompson Popular Meeper

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    *Sigh* Marshy could we get back on track, this is only about Universal Healthcare. I know I went off track only because you were not justifying your answer with any research into why "Australia is under North American standards." So maybe if you wanted to ask that reason why, could you make another debate and stop bombarding the debate of Universal Health Care please? Thank you.

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