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Uglyunicorn's Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by UglyUnicorn, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN: uglyunicorn
    Skype: Yes
    TS Username: uglyunicorn
    Mic Use: Yes
    Age: Turning 15, on July 14
    Timezone: Pacific Time Zone
    Hours Online Per Weekday: If I have lots of hw, Im active, but not doing anything. so around 1-4 Hours
    Weekend: Depending on work, 2-12 Hours
    Position Changes: (Supreme) Helper to Mod

    Hi Meepcraft! As most of you know, I am uglyunicorn, Helper on Meepcraft, I have been a helper for around 2-3 months now, and I think it is my time to take a step forward. Within the 3 months I have been doing my duty as a helper, I have committed to server greatly. I have put lots of time and effort into Meepcraft, and I think I am ready to take my place as a Moderator. Thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoy.

    Why Should I Be a Moderator?

    The Big question here is, why? Why do I deserve my spot as a moderator of Meepcraft?


    As most of you know, I have been a Helper on Meepcraft for around 3 months, Not only did I put my time into being a Staff, But I have also gotten some IRL experience, I have been TA for a kindergardener class for 2 years now. And I think it has trained me very well as helper, especially dealing with modreqs. I have learned to basics of being a Staff. Not only do I TA Kindergardeners, I also Volunteer / Work as a Production Designer/ Art Director At Middle School Where i design there their Live plays, The process of working with them is very similar to the process of meepcraft. We work as a team, and the leaders help us through any problems we run into. Working as the leader, I have taken huge responsibilities that a normal 15 year old does not usually take. I think the time working in both of those categories have transformed me into a much stronger Helper.

    Work Ethic:

    I think my work ethic is one of the strongest types. I have helped lost of people through modreqs, but I have also tried to work on something I haven't really noticed since a month ago, Helping in /shout. I feel like that is where most players need help nowadays. Some new players don't know what /modreq means, so they decide to yell in /shout or do it in local chat. I have tried my hardest to help players in both those ways. I have put a lot of time into Meepcraft, and I have really tried to enhance not only my modreqs, but my bans and kicks, I know that Helpers try to focus on modreqs, but I have done 442 modreqs before the restart, and I felt that 442 modreqs wa a good amount, also to top that, with an extra 13 modreqs since. After the reset, I did lay of some of the modreqs, but with the main reason of, moving on. I felt like it is the time to focus a little on ban and kicks, but still do modreqs as well.


    I know I have strong dedication to the server. I have donated all the way up to Supreme, All in 1 year. I also put in lost of time as a helper. I put in countless hours helping on Meepcraft.


    I get very involved in the server, I play lots of Kitpvp, but I spend most of my time trying to catch hackers in kitpvp. I do know that usually what a moderator is supposed to do, but I step up, and started to catch the hackers as well, i have found around 3 to 4 Xrayers, and my modreq count is fairly High. I also do my part as being a leader, by helping out New players with commands, or Doing some drop parties, and being role model of Meepcraft.


    This, in my opinion is the biggest part of being a staff. Your performance is what everyone sees and, it is has to be great. However, I know lately, My performance as been a little poor, Do to reasons, not excuses, I know my attitude, has been rarely off a little, and it has effected my performance very much. I going to change what I did, and I know it won't happen again, However on the good side, My performance has been quite well. I Have dedicated lots of my time into helping New players, which is a big part of my performance.


    I Know for sure I have weaknesses, I have quite a few. The main one that stood out the most was my attitude. I have some bad attitude latley a couple of times, I do know the staff know about this, But I also hop they know, that it won't happen again. I have some bad days lately through out this month, But I hope we all know that, I have changed my attitude greatly. Another one is procrastination. I am a huge procrastinater. I done so projects, hw, and everything in IRL where i have procrastinated and it was very bad. I do know that could be a problem on Meepcraft, with reporting bans and all that, but I will work my hardest to not procrastinate at all. Another one is, patience, I have worked on this greatly, I know it is big problem, but I have come to find a way to solve it, It might show a couple of times, but I have around a way, to solve my problem.


    In conclusion I feel my time as helper has come to an end, and that I think I can take a step further up. I know my performance will lonely get better if I take a step up in being a Moderator. Overall, I think that I could still improve greatly, but I also know that taking the higher challenge, will help me improve not only greatly, but efficiently. Thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed reading, Please put any constructive comment below, please no unconstructive comments. Thank you :)

    VorticoseSeven0 likes this.
  2. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    Always helping, active, etc.
  3. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I'm going to be straight with you. I've seen you make a lot of bad decisions and actions recently that truly make my feel that you should not be promoted currently. I honestly think you should at least wait to prove you can handle certain situations even whilst under pressure, because you have clearly shown me you cannot.
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think you have a clear grasp that you're not above the server's rules at the moment and you don't know when to stop. You are also full of excuses and I don't think I'll be a +1 until you stop with all the excuses you give.
    chaos546 likes this.
  5. Raegan1030

    Raegan1030 Popular Meeper

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    I honestly do not think you deserve the position you have now, not trying to be biased. I usually only see you in Kit, and there you are getting accused of hacking, /alot/, if you are, I don't know, but it seems fishy. I never see you in shout or doing your job, which I don't see you around alot, so I can't fully judge you. You've shown me a lot of excuses, and I don't think you should be promoted right now.

    Sorry, but for now it's a -1

    Good luck!
  6. ManUtdFTW11

    ManUtdFTW11 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ugly, You're a nice guy, The app could of been better but, It was sweet.

    PS. My birthday is July 13th :p
  7. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't see you online as often.
  8. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Due to timezones I rarly see you online, but that's timezones so it doesn't matter. You app was good and deserves a +1. You seem friendly and your activity it good. You have had some criticism above that I would suggest working on.
    Overall +0.5
  9. Splasho

    Splasho Celebrity Meeper

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    Probably Timezones Aswell
    I've never seen you online.
    I don't think your ready for mod.
    -1 but gl! ;) My dog has the same birthday as you =3
  10. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Denied! Msg me next time you are on and we can discuss.
    Jackl01 likes this.

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