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Stuck In A Loop..

Discussion in 'Resolved/Denied' started by YukiChanChu, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. YukiChanChu

    YukiChanChu New Meeper

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    I'm in the wild server mining just a few minutes ago, and the server timed out. At first I thought it was no big deal, but after consecutive attempts to log back into the server I would notice the chat, that always is active, is idle. When I begin to mine, ores (Since i'm underground) that would normally be rare such as diamond, emeralds, gold, and redstone would appear and sometimes occasionally mossy cobblestone would as well, in the same area. After mining at least 5-10 blocks nothing would drop and I would be timed out once again. I think i was caught in a reboot for the server, but I'm not quite sure. Now I can't play on the server as I would like to. If someone could help that would be great (Please in a way that I may not loose my items I have collected). Thanks in advance.
  2. hostilemobfrown

    hostilemobfrown Popular Meeper

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    I'm having the same problem :(
  3. YukiChanChu

    YukiChanChu New Meeper

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    Well, after waiting and repeating consecutive logins, i finally got back to playing meep. I've actually had this happen twice for me in the past. I think some people should look into this more, might be a bug that happens occasionally. Try logging in the very next day, that should do it.
  4. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Moving to resolved as you are out of the void.

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