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Denied ShadowVirus52's Ban Appeal.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by ShadowVirus52, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): ShadowVirus52
    Date/Time: 02/02/14 at 23:59
    Reason: Not reporting that you had godmode in wild + Stealing money from Penncrest
    Ban Length: 7 days.
    Staff Member: szenzus
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    This all started when Sirrr_Pig changed 8 plots in Penncrest to embassy's without my permission. He changed the plots for MeGustaYou (SuperMod) and Jackl01 (Helper) so they can make a town. I would have happily changed their plots if they had waited until I was online. I was outraged at what happened, so I gave Jack and MeGusta 7 days to clear their plots and leave. On the 7th day, I went to MeGusta's plot to unclaim it and she left it griefed. A few of my friends and I saw that she hadn't done anything to the plot in over 3 days. MeGusta took all her valuables and left the plot. Over the couple of days, I was mad at the staff. While I was on TeamSpeak, I got persuaded by a couple of friends to change some of Hornemans spawners from cow/sheep/pig to zombie spawners.
    That lead to my first ban for griefing with the length of one day.
    The second ban which was a 7 day ban is incorrect. I reported the god mode issue to a staff member. Since I resigned, I was in the wild around four times in total. Having /god was not utilised in what I was doing.
    "Stealing money from Penncrest". I am the MAYOR of the town. I own it, I can do what I deem appropriate with it. Before I got banned, there was still at least 4 million in the town bank, more than enough to keep it running for a couple of months. One of the reasons I took the money out of the town bank was to be on /baltop 1.
    I am sorry for the hurt I have caused MeGustaYou over the past week, and I hope she can see why I got angry at the staff team.
    I hope you accept my ban appeal.
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    I would like to enlighten you about how this works.

    You were the mayor of Penncrest - sure - but this town was originally owned by Cooleysworld, a previous administrator of MeepCraft. Out of complete disrespect towards him, you decided to:
    1. Steal all of the money he donated for
    2. Close his town which he, including his wife, spent a large majority of their time on
    3. Remove all of the residents which, also, spent a lot of time on the town
    Do you believe Cooleysworld, with good conscience, would have given you the town for you to destroy it? Do you believe he wanted to give you his $1000+ USD worth of meebles? You are mistaken, and that is why you are banned. You can go fuck yourself for what you have done and planned to do.

    Wait out your ban. This will not be accepted.
  3. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    Mature. Since MN switched back to Meepcraft, I have been in Penncrest helping out. I too have put in a lot of time to the town. Are you really this arrogant? Shain has done NOTHING for Penncrest. Cooley and his wife have become inactive. I am not going to wait around for them to come back. I have already waited a long time to see if they picked up their activity. My plan was to keep the castle and most of the buildings surrounding the castle, but you jump to conclusions. Please explain why this ban was 7 days.
  4. savvvy420

    savvvy420 Popular Meeper

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    Onis' Maturity level is over 9000. :confused: So mature, wow, much adult.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I have nothing to do with this ban, or appeal, with exception of my knowing Cooleys to the depth I do. I can vouch he would have not stood by and let you close his town. Had he known you were planning on majorly altering his town and changing it forever, he would have given it to someone else as well.

    This confirms what Onis said, you're plan was to close the town as you were removing money not yours. While a mayor owns a town the money can be declared "his", however if this money is not supplied by you, it could also be considering the town's "money". (If residents maintain the account, etc, etc) In this case the money was supplied via USD donations from Cooleysworld.

    You simply crossed a line man, and now are trying to use technicalities to justify your position. You're plan was to remove the money, reduce the town and go about your business. That is certainly kicking the gift horse in the mouth, and I believe, against the intention Cooleysworld had when he gave it to you. Regardless of his activity status now, that town will always be HIS, and you must respect that.

    On this case I 100% agree with Onis, regardless of how many times you "technically" didn't violate any rule, you're actions are certainly in the spirit against the rules, against Cooleysworld, and against Penncrest.

  6. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    Why did you get unbanned?
  7. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    You are now permbanned. Appeal when you feel you're ready.
    Toostenheimer, Draqq, Kachess and 3 others like this.
  8. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    You are now permbanned on the forums.
  9. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    You are now permbanned on the forums.
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