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Ripstickmario's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Ripstickmario, May 9, 2014.

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  1. Ripstickmario

    Ripstickmario Well-Known Meeper

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    In Game Name: Ripstickmario
    Skype Username: Ripstickmario
    Teamspeak Username: Ripstickmario
    Mic use:No mic.
    Hours online per weekday:2-3(Per day)
    Hours online per weekend:4-5(per day)
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod):I went from Citizen to Premium, then (hopefully!) to hepler

    Introduction: Have you ever wanted to help someone? Well with the helper that i will hope and might get, i hope to achieve helping alot of people with whatever provlems that they may have, no matter if they are as small as asking how do get to spawn or as big as town robberies.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ? One of the main reasons that i would like to be a helper is that i wold like to help others with their problems, even is they are really small problems, i still like to help others.

    Weaknesses:When things get updated, it takes me a little while to adjust to what ever has changed.

    Conclusion: So in Conclusion, i think that i should be helper for many reasons. not just so that i will have the respect of the people on the server, that is not a good reason. the reason that i would like to become a helper then eventually become a mod is that i would like to help other players that are having trouble when they either first join the server or if they need help with something else alot bigger such as someone luring him/her or a town robbery.
    I hope that with everything that i have written here has convinced you to consider making me a helper and that you have a nice day
  2. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Ripstickmario it is a pleasure to run into you here of all places again. ;)

    I am delighted to see you developing a desire to contribute further to this amazing server, however I feel that this may be a bit rushed, just a week or two ago I was helping you in game with the initial commands of buying a town as well as explaining the concept of embassy plots. This combined with me being your mayor for a few months makes me believe you are not ready for this position, once again it is awesome to see you interested in this. I truly feel you need to spend the next few months picking up the basic commands of towny/ other server commands as well as just practicing "helping others".

    You are volunteering for a position where you would be looked up to for reference and help, you must be qualified in this regard before you can hope to be of any benefit to other citizens.

    I hope you apply again in the future.

    P.s. Get a mic(you don't have to ts daily with staff but it is necessary in certain situations such as your initial interview)

    Cya out there!
  3. Ripstickmario

    Ripstickmario Well-Known Meeper

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    I do have a mic, i thought that i put that in there, and the reason that you were helping me is that i needed help starting a town, and this town that i bought from you has been running nicely now that i have gotten the hang of it and that i have a lot more residents now. but i still want to be able to help other players as you are capable of doing. can you please tell me what i need to improve so that i have a better chance at getting Helper?
    --- Double Post Merged, May 10, 2014, Original Post Date: May 10, 2014 ---
    Plus as you stated,"Helping others". i cant do so because others wont listen to me because im not a helper. It just makes them think that i sound stupid for doing things like asking if anyone needs my help and such... I just want to be able to try to make the server a better place. thanks for the feedback and it was nice runnung into you as well, but can you help me w/ this please?
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Denied, you've been denied TWICE TODAY. Please wait 2 weeks before reapplying all applications before 2 weeks will be denied!!!
    Also get a mic please!!!!
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