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Rethink Meep

Discussion in 'Denied' started by superbros1211, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    MeepCraft has a problem, it isn't growing. When I first joined, MeepCraft regularly had over 500 people on at a time, this was good because it meant we had a large player base, a strong stream of donations, active forums and chats, and a big community.

    Over the past few years our server has been struggling to have over 100 players on at a time and I think we really need to fix this before it get's worse.

    I propose we use this thread as a way to discuss ideas which we think will grow the server. So if you've got an idea suggest it, then we can all discuss it.

    I'll start this off.
    • Let's make another awesome trailer like this one, which is professional and upload it to the official MeepCraft channel. If we are lucky it will get lots of positive views! The new spawn trailer is good, but personally I think it is flawed because of the intro, lack of players and fancy animation
    • Custom texture pack for MeepCraft - nothing too 'out there', it will be something unique for the server
    • Do another round of big advertising - give rewards to players who are genuinely helping new players, perhaps incentives for members of a town if their town brings in new players who stay.
    • Cut down size - I believe the server is far too big for the current player base. The massive spawn is creates large distances between players in the world. This means that when someone joins the server it appears empty and lonely. We also have way too many TeamSpeak channels, do we really need all 36? Or does this potentially make it look empty and reduce discussion?
    • "I think that the thing we need to get done is to make it so that people that has a lot of money has something to spend that money on. And then make it so that the money flow will be redirected to the people that do the work in wild. This would also create a flow up towards the richer players, the reasons for this is that when the money moves more around in the economy it can make it so that it is easier to make money. But you also have something to spend it on. This would create a outflow of money and a inflow of money. Almost like the state invests money in to the community and by doing so the money moves in to a company and then the company gets taxed. It is a circle we need to improve because right now the circle ends after buying the Ultimate rank." - @PainCakexx1997 Much easier said then done, but I do think this is a big issue.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  2. Achmed

    Achmed Popular Meeper

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    I've been waiting for someone to make such a scrumptious thread.
  3. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I think that our biggest objective is to fix all the current bugs and eula problems, which have been a big rock in the middle of the road. Once all the ideas that have been gathered from the community and fixes were implemented, then I think that we could start taking a look at these problems. Instead of having a large amount of mini games that are low quality/broken, we should have a small group of mini games that are worked on daily, and are free of bugs, as well as attracting a decent amount of players. Before we start working on major things, we should wipe clean of bugs and things with the Eula. I think that it's just a matter of re-building the foundation of everything.
  4. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    Good thinking, I absolutely agree.
  5. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    Courtneyyy and Achmed like this.
  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    ooh cool. I didn't understand half the stuff, and im just posting here to continue my streak of posting without reason on threads to see how long it takes until i get warning.
  7. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    u seriously need to stop or im going to your house right now.

    In all your seriousness, this was a great thread. I'm actually a 'witness' of what is currently happening to MeepCraft.

    MeepCraft with less players and the same players over and over again = boring = no players would join because there's a low number of players that are active in the server.
  8. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    This I agree with, we 100% need a new trailer.

    We have one.

    The problem with this is that it would be hard to staff to figure out who is good and who is not. I feel it would make the lives of staff even harder and also would take a lot of time.

    I agree and disagree with this. Personally, I DO think that the server is very big, but I'm not sure of there is anything we can do about it. It is not like we are just creating useless worlds. All the worlds have a purpose whether it be games or towny. Also, the teamspeak channels are good if you just want to talk to someone in private but over the mic.

    The only problem with this is the fact that you might have issues with getting rich people to give up their money. Although they are rich, it would be rude to come and take their money or force them to spend it. It is basically like clearing their bals.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  9. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Yea if I was forced to buy ranks for stupid players that might quit in a day or give 2mil to a shady vip I'd basicly quit meep or create a town to hold my bal
    Peero likes this.
  10. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    I say we need to start advertising the server as a towny server with minigames rather than a minigame server with towny. Other servers beat us when it comes to popular, functioning, fun games. Plus, the majority of the meepcraft community spends most their time in the towny world anyway.
    Regarding the video idea, I suggest we toss in a few scenes created from the program min-imator. It's free and packs a punch when it comes to animations.
    If money and ideas are the problem, start giving the players of meepcraft tools to start working on improving the server. Need more XXX maps? Have the players of meepcraft build them rather than paying someone to do it or having the busy architects building them.
    Need more programmers? Make a post here on the meepcraft forums of websites that can teach meepers how to program for the server (giving us free programmers.) Release a task every now and then for meepers to code, and every one who's code works gets 30,000 meebles or something. Don't think it'll work? Well if it does work, hooray, you made your job ten times easier, do you want to pass that up?
    Need more votes? Have a server wide reward for getting X amount of votes. Every time the server gets 200 votes, everyone online gets diamonds, or gold, or vote points, whatever you want. This will encourage voting, trust me on that. Votes=us getting more publicity on the sites=more people.
    Need people to stay? Point the players to TOWNY instead of minigames. Minigames are practically empty now because everyone is in towny.
    Need a way to have the admins and even Fuzzlr re-incorporate themselves into meepcraft? Have them ditch their admin titles and start playing as players rather than supreme overlords who watch meepcraft from a distance, occasionally poking the meepcraft world with a stick.
    Need a better trailer? Form a team, and by team I mean making a post on meepcraft forums titled "Who wants to help us make a meepcraft trailer?" have people list what they're good at, and move on from there. Take the best(Get animators, video editors, sound guys, ect.) and get it done. Min-imator(bringing up again) helps us catch the public eye. There are youtubers(can't remember the names right now) than release GOOD public domain music for anyone to use. Google Drive can help the team communicate and share their work.
    Need the bugs in minigames fixed? Fix and IMPROVE the minigames that people actually play rather than the minigames you rarely see anyone in(I'm referring to Halo, and unfortunately CTF. Bring them back when we have 100 players on at all times)
    Need a smaller spawn? Either make a new spawn, or bring back the old spawn. You've heard more complaints than compliments from this one, and no one is saying "I love this spawn, it's the best I've ever seen." Most of this spawn is empty, very little Easter eggs that a new player would understand, no secret signs giving you 1k meebles, NOTHING! Either start rewarding players for exploring spawn or shrink it down.
    Need people to start spending money? Bring in some new titles for people(including citizens) to aim for. Create a gambling machine, have a 0.0001% chance of getting the "Gambler" title. Bring back those signs you had back at the old spawn where you pay I think 30K and boom, you can have whatever you want written there (I don't know what they're called, sorry about that :/ Take out some perks and have them where the players has to buy them in either in game currency or real life currency. Have notes that gave us old perks(like /fly) shrink in cost the higher you rise in ranks. For citizens, /fly for one hour costs 50K. For Ultimates, 10K.
    I have more, but I just picked out the small stuff. Have a good night meepcraft, I'm tired and need to wake up tomorrow at 5:00
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 12, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 12, 2016 ---
    Have a vote. meepers vote on the top ten, the mods narrow it down to the top five, Admins choose first place.
    Pmx728, alex77034 and CluelessKlutz like this.
  11. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    what is this?
  12. Skythekid1526

    Skythekid1526 Popular Meeper

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    Agreed - Meepcraft really needs to improve their server +1
  13. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    What do you think should be improved, what is the server doing well? That was the point of this thread.
  14. Perryjay2

    Perryjay2 Popular Meeper

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    I agree with this entirely..
    In spawn everything should be close together, not like 200+ blocks apart in all directions. You've got all the world portals in like the space of 1 plot in spawn, so why do we need miles of unnecessary buildings and space to go? If we just had a spawn that had made it easy to see which portal was which (maybe like those waterfall portals with designs around them) and minimal space between the spawn shop, pvp arena etc it would be much better
    superbros1211 likes this.
  15. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    I think the main problem is it spreads players apart. I'm all for spawn full of Easter eggs.

    I also think one thing MeepCraft does very well but is underestimated is parkour. We have some pretty sweet maps.
    Marshy_88 likes this.
  16. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    I recently quit again because there is nothing new and interesting to do on meep. The only objective I really found was to earn money to get the next donation rank but even that is now worthless because there are no perks to go along with it.

    At this point, Meep needs to make gamemodes that are new and exciting.
    SX1 and superbros1211 like this.
  17. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    Totally agree, I think there's a ton of great ideas on this list. It sums up a lot of things on it.
  18. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    I remember hearing a while back that a server had their money as actual coin items not just a /bal, I can't think is any pros this has over a /bal though.
  19. Achmed

    Achmed Popular Meeper

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    A big thing I always seemed to notice before I got banned (6 months ago, but eh), was that the server rewarded gamblers over hard working citizens. I remember I used to dice with/around Imperfectly, one time he made 6 mil in less than an hour.

    What I would love to see is just like the good old times, where /jobs were rewarding. I used to be a level 32 woodcutter, got 24 meebles per log I chopped. The new jobs reduced this amount to around 3 meebles, and an hour or so of woodcutting often only got me 15k (After jobs, and selling to /pwarps)

    Basically, reward workers, not gamblers.
    superbros1211 and GroovyGrevous like this.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Go back to towny and stop sinking all the dev into stupid mini-games people get bored with a month later.
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