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Recruiting staff for Enderlake

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by TwistedGabe, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. TwistedGabe

    TwistedGabe Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Welcome to... ENDERLAKE!

    Here over in Alpha I, being MangledMeme, just created a new town called Enderlake. At the moment, we only have 3 spare plots made for residents. But I suppose you want to get to becoming an assistant, or builder or whatever. Well, here we go!

    They way we gain staff is by having ranks that you can get promoted or demoted through. It goes like this:
    1: Recruiter
    2: Assistant
    3: Co-owner
    Or if you want to be builder, you just make an application for it.

    Recruiter Application:
    IGN (In-game name):

    Experience in being Staff:
    Hours you spend on meepcraft per day:
    When did you join meepcraft?
    How will you help us:
    Are you willing to make plots for residents everytime they join:

    Builder Application:
    IGN (In-game name):
    Screenshots of your builds:

    /t spawn Enderlake

    GroovyGrevous likes this.

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