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/pwarp Money

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by CaptainCluckers, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. CaptainCluckers

    CaptainCluckers Popular Meeper

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    Hey Meep!

    Well good news everyone, sorta. Well recently (yesterday) I bought a huge building (pwarp mall to see it) and Im turning into a shop/biggest mall ever. This is awesome to me because i think it would be an awesome adventure! The building is not yet finished so your sand, and sand stone donations are much appreciated!(pwarp money to donate). This is all good, but here is the bad news, its huge; the building is very large and there is no way I'm going to be able fill that place. This being said, Id like to offer some players a business offer; Id like to invite you to join my shop, but I'm not letting just anyone in, there will be multiple requirements. I also must point out I'm looking for a permanent businesses partner; I have a lot of projects and going at them alone is crazy. please message me on skype, forums or in game to get more information. Please also post a comment if your interested. I will happily send you the requirements
    GroovyGrevous likes this.

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