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Denied Please Appeal My Ban

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by PandaBear711, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. PandaBear711

    PandaBear711 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name)pandabear711
    Ban Length:until appealed
    Staff Member:quaddy
    Why we should consider your appeal:I just bought elite meepcraft is the only server I go on and donate to I love meepcraft along with the parkours but I used X-ray and got banned for it I learned a lesson from doing this I could of not used X-ray but I was being stupid and I used it I know how offensive this is the the server,staff and the players I am deeply sorry for using X-ray I want to say sorry to EVERYONE on this server if you unban me I will never do this again.

    (First appeal)
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Please follow the format; a link was provided in your other appeal. Please edit your post.
  3. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Look at the bottom of the post, in the left corner. There should be an "Edit" button somewhere in the vicinity.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I'm sorry, but xray is an extremely serious offense and is not taken lightly. Thank you for telling the truth, as it makes it easier on us, and while your apology is appreciated, you must understand how we cannot allow this sort of behavior on the server.

    I'm going to deny this appeal for now, but please feel free to reappeal in a month or two, because I have seen people unbanned from permanent bans before if they try again later.
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