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platinum_beast02's moderator application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by platinum, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. platinum

    platinum New Meeper

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    hi i am platinum_beast02 and i would like a moderator position i wont abuse power and wiil only spam,ban,temp-ban people when needed
  2. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

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    Never seen you on before, first forum post, and didn't use the correct format.
  3. willy12344

    willy12344 New Meeper

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    You had listed no format WHAT SO EVER. You first start out as a helper FYI. You never gave us any good reasons why you should be a staff member. There is a four made by colley (an admin) that lists tips, and things that MUST be on your application. At least let your application a decent-sized paragraph long. auto-denial. please reply after 2 weeks to the minimum. If you reply before the 2 week penalty is over, that forum will also be auto-denied.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    As mentioned above, due to lack of format use, this is denied.

    Please reapply in no less than two weeks.

    I also suggest that before re applying you increase forums and in game activity andhelpfullness, as well as going through the currently accepted applications and the tips post under the format to understand what an application should look like. You should also be sure you are comfortable with all of our rules and regulations, as well as the fact that the first staff rank is always Helper.
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