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OscarHouston Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by oscarhouston, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: oscarhouston
    Skype Username: oscarluchouston
    Teamspeak Username: △oscarhouston△
    Mic Use: Razer - Electra, Gaming headset
    Age: 14
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 4 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 7 hours
    Position Changes: Citizen --> Exclusive --> Elite --> Supreme --> Helper --> Supreme


    Hey there is guys! I am oscarhouston. Many of you may know me though as I have been playing MeepCraft for over a year now! MeepCraft is a very enjoyable experience for me as the players are very nice, kind and loving! Outside of MeepCraft I am a very sporty person as I have got my school colours for: Rugby, Football (soccer), Tennis, Athletics and Badminton! Academically, I am pretty much top of the class. For Creative Writing, Chemistry, PE and History. I have close friends and family. Such as super_BG_man who got me in to this amazing server. I live with my Mum and my Brother as my parents are divorced. But I am lucky enough to see my Dad, my Step - Mother and my adorable baby Sister 3 days a week. I am also a very keen gamer/tech geek as am always getting in with the latest gadgets and games coming out!

    Why Should I Be Helper:

    I am very enthusiastic about this prodigious role/responsibility and at this moment in time my work ethnic is high in skye. During my time in Meep I have had my ups and downs. But sooner or later I learned. I am respective of every player on MeepCraft and willing to help anyone consequently applying for this role. I am very active in shout and in forums. I like to help people when they ask little questions like "how do you add a friend".
    I believe it is genially important to help them as they are the next Meep generation, and who knows they may be Admins some day. We all need to start somewhere. I donated to straight to Exclusive when I joined Meep, I had a little house in the wild and I was very quiet and content. Soon though as I saw great potential in the server and in me.

    Experience: I believe I have great experience as I have been helper before. You need to be hardworking, dedicated, and patient. I believe I have all of those specialities. If a /modreq gets out of control I will handle it with my sterility, and my strive to help players. After 1 year of playing MeepCraft I have also get to know many of the rules and what action/consequence should take place. Witch I believe some Helpers don't. I won't ban or kick players unfairly. I would let the have their say. Hear their view point. And still if they don't agree I will explain to them formally and non aggressively.

    Work Ethic: As I said above I love helping and I crave the satisfaction of helping a player. I will not give up until I am satisfied and they are satisfied. As I am a very energetic and enthusiastic player I and try to help as much as I can until I cannot give anymore. I would give up my precious PVP time to for Helping; that is if there is any /modreqs needing done.

    Dedication: Dedication. Define dedication. Dedication is waking up at 6:30 am Helping people. Dedication is staying up to 12:00pm at night. You could ask many people and that is something I do anyway. MeepCraft gives me joy. Meep is amazing. This may sound cheesy but. It gives me a great sense of pride and dedication and I really don't like to let the Meep community down. By not trying my hardest and everything consequently having immense dedication to the game. If I were to get Helper. It would be beyond belief. I would be in TeamSpeak3 Staff channel, Hovering around the place giving them tips and being friendly.

    I have a strong opinion. That is one validated point. My opinion in the past has got me banned for a very short time. Although that was a tough time for me and I was only 13 at the time. Now I believe I have matured; and am now respectful to people I don't necessary agree with nor like. I have put the all behind me now, having a new start in a way. And I hope for the people I don't get along with, you understand and respect my point.

    Conclusion:I fell ready as I ever will be. My weakness, I am trying to make better and my strengths I am embracing. I hope you agree. I am dedicated, enthusiastic and ready. I just want to give back what this marvellous server has given to me.

    ~Oscar :)

    joshlikestomine likes this.
  2. superBGman

    superBGman New Meeper

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    +2 always been helpfull and kind
    oscarhouston likes this.
  3. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

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    I enjoyed reading a well organized and detailed app.
    You are definitely right about your weakness, but you make up for it with your help and dedication. I haven't seen you on forums a lot, but I have seen you in areas that are good to post in, like Staff Recruitment and Discussion.

    Good luck, and +1
    oscarhouston likes this.
  4. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    Hi oscar! Here's what I have to say.
    App wAs excellent
    You serm like a nice guy
    You need to perform a bit better in /g activity and general helpfulness.
    Forums activity is good enough, try and improve it if possible.
    I'm going +0.75 here. Increase overall /g activity and helpfulness, then i will go a full +1. GL! ;)
  5. Woodchip123456

    Woodchip123456 Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 I believe you are too immature at this moment in time. Logging onto Rori's account and trying to lure me into the Centrum doesn't help you either. Also, don't lie about your age. You are not 14.
  6. Tagswag33

    Tagswag33 Popular Meeper

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    I think they just turned 14.

    Anyway, I am not gonna actually vote, because I don't want to be biased towards my friends.
    I think you are mature enough, but you can tend to be rude.
    You have good work ethic and you're a nice person.
  7. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    Not too long ago, about two weeks ago or so, I had to come and deal with an issue where you, your brother, Woodchip, and one other person (I can't remember who) complained about being "lured". I can't remember if it was you or Rori who said they were lured, but it was clear that it was a pre-setup 1v1 match, and both parties, you and Rori, both acted immature during the incident.

    You are well known, yes. Does that mean you are fit for staff, though? No.

    At the current time, I don't believe that you have the maturity required to be a moderator.
  8. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

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    Thankyou for your input
    Oroperion likes this.
  9. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    You're welcome. Also, don't take it too personally. I don't have any real problem with you. Just I believe sometimes I see too much immaturity from you, but that's something that can definitely be improved.

    Good luck! :)
    oscarhouston likes this.
  10. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

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    And it was WoodChip luring me
  11. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

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  12. savvvy420

    savvvy420 Popular Meeper

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    +1 You have a great app, nice effort and this is rare. You are mature and intelligent. You are thoughtful, and great person. I think you would be a great addition to the staff. :D Good luck
    oscarhouston likes this.
  13. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

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    Thanks sav <3
  14. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 because no one can really even trust you, quite immature at times, but can be mature. As you said, you have a strong opinion, that you wont let go even if proven wrong.
  15. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    We need staff who can follow the rules.
    who can be Mature at all times,
  16. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    As many have said above, you can be immature. Almost every time I encounter you, you are immature. I have also heard many things about you having to do with rules (bad things). I also never see you helping in chat or on forums. May be due to the TIMEZONE difference, but I still don't see it.
  17. Jakelikestodig

    Jakelikestodig Popular Meeper

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    Immature. lol that's coming from me sry :/ for now I am a

  18. joshlikestomine

    joshlikestomine Meeper

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    Nice one osc, pretty good :)
    100% yep
    oscarhouston likes this.
  19. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    No idea how you are getting such positive comments... you and your brother are so annoying on this server. You two fight and get banned and do a whole bunch of stuff I really don't get.

    ex: http://www.meepcraft.com/threads/ban-appeal-oscarhouston.13760/

    And then you post immature stuff on the forums that make you look like a little kid:

    Here's another ban appeal: http://www.meepcraft.com/threads/ban-appeal-oscarhouston.6219/

    Yeah sorry no.
    LR_Davius, 2klassy, chirp1234 and 6 others like this.
  20. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    -hell no

    I remember when I had to kick you for spamming or cursing.

    Your way too immature.

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