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Mylucky7's Staff Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Mylucky7, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: Mylucky7
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes, Googly52
    Teamspeak Username: Mylucky7
    Mic use: Yes?
    Age: 13
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 3-7
    Hours online per weekend: 5-10
    Position Changes: Citizen --> Helper

    Hello again, it is I, Mylucky7, also known as Rick to friends. I am here with another (Unfortunately for you all) staff application. I intend in becoming a fully functioning member of the staff team once again. Here, I am going to show you some of my pros and cons generally to help you decide if you would like to see me as a staff member once again. There are multiple things I want to go over, some basic, some a bit more advanced, so we will get right into it!

    Skills which can be used in game: I am currently taking an F.A (Football Association) course in coaching. Every Saturday morning, I go down to a field near my town and help train some younger kids looking to develop their football skills. I take much pride in my team, however, aswell as that , I also get a lot more out of it. I have gained new traits like leadership which in generally anything are good. Also, it shows that I have the ability share my knowledge among people. These are just a couple of the skills/traits I use in everyday life.

    Knowledge of the Server:
    I have been here since April 2012, I know the ins and outs of the server. I put this into use in game when helping people via shout or /msg. It is always going to be a huge plus having great knowledge of the server as a staff member, being extremely active and loyal to the server is always what hinders it forward.

    Knowledge of commands:
    I know all the staff commands, this includes all hawkeye commands, for example, instead of trying to explain everything to a staff member, I make it 10x easier and give a brief description of what happened and then tell them the exact command (Not trying to be rude to them by doing that; please, don't think I am). If we were to change back to logblock (Very Unlikely), I also know that thoroughly. I need no help here.

    Previous Experiences as Staff:
    This keeps getting longer so let me make you a timeline:
    1#. I started out on a friends server and was given the Admin rank, it was a small server however, I really enjoyed time on there. But, in comparison to MeepCraft, this was nothing. I did pick up some skills there, but not many. Just the basics.
    2#. I then joined another server which I suppose was quite fun. We got 10-20 people on at one given time which wasn't all that bad. I worked my way up very fast and within a month, I was Head-Admin. As I put in every app, the server was destroyed by the crazy tech.
    3#. Back to Meep, I came back to MeepNetworks and found myself getting my application accepted. I was put through an interview and became a helper. I didn't do too bad, however, now, it feels like I could have done so much more at the time. I was demoted then for telling people of my friend being banned (Good excuse, I know).
    4#. At the end of MN I applied for this MeepCraft, I was accepted which got me quite hyped up about it. With guidance from colleagues within the staff team, I was always doing well, on task and trying my best. I then applied for Mod. My application was accepted whilst I was on holiday in Spain so, that couldn't have been better. I continued well and helped teaching new helpers new skills etc. (Looks at Bass_Flow)
    I resigned due to a lot of things which I have already disclosed.

    Forums... Ah Forums, I love it. I find myself very active on forums in most of the areas accessible by citizens. I love exploring the forums. As staff, I would make guides for helpers to work from which may still be there. Forums will always be a huge strength for me.
    TeamSpeak: Again, I never really went on TeamSpeak and it was a huge weakness for me, now I love it, new people all the time, great if you ask me. I try to stay as active as possible on there and am often on more as a member of staff to moderate.
    Skype: If I'm anywhere, I'm on Skype, that is the way to contact me. I am easy to get to that way, and am always able to see updates from staff chats. I can get on via phone, iPad and PC, so it's always good to try to speak to me through there.

    What can I do? I want to use my knowledge of staff to help other staff members, as well as just being a generally full working staff member. This is always what is needed. In long term, I intend to make contribute to making big changes to the server, it would be hard to specify exactly what I would do at this moment of time, maybe later we will see.

    Activity Generally: I am pretty all rounded, I am always active in game, on TS and forums. There is no problem here whatsoever.

    Previous Resignations: I have to admit, I know a lot of people cannot put any trust into me for what I have previously done as staff with resigning a lot. I do not intend to resign from staff for a long time if I were to be accepted. It has been a while since I was within the staff team, so, I have spent the time, thinking of ways I could help, revising rules, trying to help as citizen etc. I am asking for your trust. If you are stilled not convinced, I'd like to point out me loyalty towards the server. I have been here over 2 years. I have never been inactive for over a month, that is devotion to the server. I suppose, that is the best I can give you.

    How I work: I always put in 100%. I show good moral in it, always staying positive in what I do, even in the toughest of jobs. I try to get as much done as possible in a given amount of time. This is how I always work in anything I do. There is nothing else I can say apart from that.

    Moderation Skills:

    Lets start, in chat, I always am confident with kicks and temp bans. When I was first staff, I was not, it was hard for me to kick in case I were to get something wrong. It got to the point where, it was like second nature to see something wrong and then issue the correct punishment. So, yes, I am fine with that.

    Modreqs are very easy for me to do, I will get them done to a high standard however, trying to get plenty done. I always do my best on modreqs, no matter what it is. I know all the commands for the Modreq plugin.

    As a moderator and late helper, I helped moderate forums by completing player reports, ban appeals etc. This was what was expected of me at the time. I also completed these to a high standard.

    On TeamSpeak, I was quite serious compared to the laid back Mod I should have been when moderating TeamSpeak, that is what is required.


    #1. I have to admit, I am quite an argumentative type, however, I try to use that to my advantage to benefit others. It also works when getting a point through. But, I look at it as having a louder voice, being able to confidently give my opinion on things, Sjoe will back be up here when I say that. So, I suppose as well as a weakness, I can use it as a strength.

    #2. The Entire Resignation Problem. This can give people little trust within me making it harder to trust me as a staff member. I am trying to earn back their trust and hopefully I can like this.

    I feel, I am a good choice for a staff member thanks to the things listed above, I am helpful, mature and a fully capable staff member. I really want to some day make a huge difference to the server to benefit everyone on it, not just the people I spend time doing Modreqs for but, just everyone in general. Maybe this is a good way forward for me also, being able to help brings me joy. Anyway, let's not get dragged down in that,
    Thank you for reading,
    Rick J Foster (ML7)
  2. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Nice, smart, and was a fine staff. I wouldn't mind having you come back :)! Also, really nice app!
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  3. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    Cheers Bud ; )
    Owen Powell likes this.
  4. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    +1. We've been pals on meep and you're always a great guy. Super helpful, knowledgable, and a perfect candidate.
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  5. gabe_strikes_

    gabe_strikes_ Popular Meeper

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    +1 Reasons Above!
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  6. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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    you gave me 100k <3 +1
  7. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    Anything somewhat constructive?
    Aarett likes this.
  8. Splasho

    Splasho Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Googly
  9. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You're activity is better than it was during your last app. I'll +1 this in the expectation that is continues to get better.
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  10. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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    You did a great job in the staff team, always helpfull if I asked you something :)
    Mylucky7 likes this.
  11. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 all dem reasons above
  12. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -You never talk on teamspeak
    -I dont see in game much(Its not because of timezones)
    +Youre cool
    Flamedemond likes this.
  13. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    You've been staff the most times (like 8?) and you just keep resigning. I told you I thought you didn't deserve it and that I would give you one last chance. You didn't deserve it then (as you showed) and don't deserve it now.

    I have nothing against you as a person, so please don't think that I do, but you should not be staff a 9th time or whatever number it is.
  14. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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  15. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    You were staff about 3 times in mn, and 3 times recently
  16. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    1 time in MN not meaning to argue.
  17. Nara_Visa

    Nara_Visa Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You seem to leave often...
  18. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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  19. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    Seems your desperate with helper.
    Don't see you enough in teamspeak and in game
    Good luck
    Flamedemond likes this.
  20. kwildes

    kwildes Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • Seems like you just applied
    • You are apparently active on TS, I wouldn't know, I'm never on TS
    And even though I never see you ingame, other people seem to, so gl!
  21. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    I'd give you a +1, but TBH I've never seen you in TS. +.5 because you've been helper an umpteen times so you should know what you're doing. GL. :)
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