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Accepted My Ban Appeal and Apology!

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by chirp1234, Nov 18, 2014.

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  1. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): chirp1234
    When you were banned: I believe it was
    IGN (In-Game Name): chirp1234
    When you were banned: October 27th
    Reason: Major Towny Theft
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: DevilSpawn112
    Why we should consider your appeal: Hello. As you know, in my last appeal I was really disrespectful towards the staff and the community. I let everyone down by making some stupid decisions. I was being incredibly stupid and ignorant. I am incredibly sorry to everyone for being so rude and letting you all down!

    I have apologised to Bass. Although, I know this is not enough. Although she did forgive me, which I'm happy about. Again, I am very sorry for letting everyone down. Thanks for reading!

    Note: Using my phone so there may be spelling mistakes!
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think this appeal should address your previous appeal, rather address the reason why you should be unbanned based on the crime you committed. So, why do you believe you should be unbanned from this?
    chirp1234 likes this.
  3. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    Apologies, I guess I got carried away. Well, I believe my ban history Is very small, correct? I believe I should get unbanned because of this. I mean, you've unbanned others with much greater ban histories than me.

    You could do the thing you did with others, like for 30 days if I do anything under a perm, I'll get permed.

    So yeah, that's why I think I should be unbanned. Again, very sorry for being extremely rude to the staff and members of the community.
    Achmed, Sqreix, Staraptia and 5 others like this.
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Chirp, I know you're a good kid and an honest kid and although the "reason to unban me" is not my favorite reason. You'll be unbanned if you agree to the following:
    • Any crime in the next 30 days will result in an un-appealable perm ban
    • Any theft/grief/scamming case after this will be a perm ban
    If you can agree to those terms, you will be unbanned.
    Cherrykit, Sqreix, chirp1234 and 2 others like this.
  5. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, I agree to the following! Thank you!
  6. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You should be unbanned. If you encounter any error, contact another moderator.
    Mylucky7 and chirp1234 like this.
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