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Moderator Application: Deinen0

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Deinen, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    IGN: Deinen0
    Forum: Antiacus
    Skype: Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Deinen0
    Mic Use: Yes
    Age: 30
    Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
    Hours Online per Weekday: Varies, I’m on a lot
    Hours Online per Weekend: Varies, I’m on a lot
    Position Change: Helper to Moderator


    Well to be honest, I’ve written an introduction quite a few times and I’m running out of ways to repeat the same information. In the interest of expressing who I am, I’m choosing to re-use essentially the last introduction, with some differences, because out of all my applications, I feel that those words express who I am much better than if I were attempt to give you the same information today.My name is Matt Sawyer,I have four children, three girls and a boy, and I’ve been lucky to be married for over a decade.

    I began using computers at the age of 6, with the help of my father. He introduced me to something called "BBS" which was quite literally formed most of my life, childhood and adult. A BBS was something that primarily existed before the World Wide Web, using a text based platform to offer services such as text rpg games, text games, chat rooms, ftp service, and more. I spent a great deal of my childhood on BBS, until I found MUD. A Mud is another text based (Generally RPG) game that came into occurrence during the early days of the web. This offered a greater player base (400-1000) and a different play on classic games. The reason why I included this to make a valuable point, I believe; I have spent many years playing different games, all with great communities, and gameplays.

    However MeepCraft is something that I've discovered that is entirely different. This community ends up turning into a pseudo-family, where most communities I've left I've never retained friends from. MeepCraft I've met many players that I truly consider my friend, and I hold a special place in my heart for them. MeepCraft, and it's community is special. Recently this reason became more real to me, as a good friend of mine, is less than two weeks away from shipping off to Basic Training, and I had done something else I had not done before, I gave him my address to write to me. Never before in any online community have I ever released that kind of information to another person. I honestly never expected to in this community, certainly, but it just goes to further show that this community is at the very least rare.

    Why I should be mod

    Being a helper for these two short weeks, I have learned and relearned many things. There is a vital importance to not only answering a player’s question, but teaching them the things that are around the question. I found I still really enjoy interacting with the player base on an individual level, as before I got sucked into the negativity of the group interaction of shout. I have relearned the satisfaction you get when helping to take something a player is confused about, and turn it into something they get into, and begin to enjoy. Additionally, as a helper I have shown myself that I am capable of the things that I have preached, and shown myself that good customer service is the great quality a staff member should have, because of it’s vital importance in every interaction you have as a staff and representative of MeepCraft. That includes not walking away from an issue or forgetting a player mid conversation;treat them how you would a real customer, because in a lot of ways they are. Most importantly, I’ve learned that you must always apologize to the player for a mistake you’ve made, because it shows them you care about their situation, and their opinion in the least, and that you’re always looking to improve.

    I believe I am prepared for the moderator position because in addition to being able to bring the good customer service skills I’ve honed as a helper to new areas of responsibility; I will still be able to be there to fulfill the roles a helper does. I understand that the moderator role has more responsibility over a much greater area of the server; which some I am more suited for than others. I believe the biggest role a moderator has in that of mentor, more specifically to the helper. Moderators should certainly be assisting in the proper flow of modreq/forum report completion, but additionally they should be the first line of teaching, and standards, that a helper receives.

    As a moderator you are given more tools to accomplish additional tasks, such as finding x-rayers. I have a significant amount of experience in this area, being able to quickly identify and track any signs of x-ray that appear across the game. In addition, due to MN, I have vast experience identifying any signs that can indicate improper gameplay, or to identify things that have such a potential; I also can work calmly and quickly in any situations where a glitch or hack is exploited in a mass scale suddenly, as has happened before.

    But I do not believe banning is the only part moderating, I believe it is a last resort. I understand the need to issue bans in the context of massive, or otherwise heinous actions, but in many minor cases I always try to work toward a resolution that does not result in a removal of a player. In many public instances of moderation, a wise man taught me it is often much better to send a message to a player in private when you’re looking for cooperation in ceasing action, and I pride myself on taking the opportunity to resolve a problem with communication instead of a ban. It’s hard for me to explain everything I can do or think when regarding what a moderator does, but it is essentially that the key in moderator is moderation. I want to bring moderation into moderating as well as working as a mentor to new helpers, and the community in general about MeepCraft, and staffing.

    Another reason I feel I should be moderator is because I will have a greater influence on the direction of MeepCraft. I’m sure to the annoyance of some of my counterparts, I get pretty spammy when it comes to suggesting things. I believe in this because I think the minute we stop looking to improve, then we’ll begin degrading. I always look at the systems and ask, What can we do better, more efficiently? Efficiency let’s staff spend their time doing other productive things, or even giving them a chance to take a much needed break. Additionally it helps the players get quick results on issues, requests, or other things they are looking to achieve. This means I am open to review anything, be it something the server, or I do; to hear complaints, and counter arguments to something in a constructive manner, because even if I disagree, I don’t dismiss their words


    Teamspeak: I lack activity in this, and it is something that I do need to improve. It’s not necessarily I have any complaints about using it, I just often am much more comfortable communicating via a text format, as it’s easier to control and retain the information given. Due to the hectic house as well, I’m limited to nights, and by that time comes, I get involved in something else. But I will be improving this activity henceforth.

    PvP: I admit my last great stints as staff, PVP was not a major part of the server, and not knowing the intricacies wasn’t that big of a deal. However things have changed and I have found myself at a disadvantage of being able to not moderate it as effectively as I could be. To resolve this I have been learning the nuances of pvp, and to the aid of moderation, signs of hacking, etc to better help me in doing my job in these areas.

    Blunt & Critical: I can be critical, and not just other people, as I am often just as critical of myself. However, often times it comes out much more acute than I intend, and it often sends the wrong message. To counter this I have been trying to over explain my position, about why I think something is wrong how I came to think that way. This is still often a work in progress, but I realize the significance of this as a staff member. Alongside critical, in general my words can come across much more bluntly than I intended, but I equally understand the importance of this, and I continuously work to mind this particular shortcoming.


    In conclusion, I have learned and relearned many things and I expect to learn many more. I feel that I could accomplish more tasks with the title, clout, and tools of a moderator. I understand what the job is and I intend to do it with 100% just as I have done the job of a helper. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to read this, and thank you for your consideration.
    KariStar86, Khafra, Kayla and 20 others like this.
  2. scoowby

    scoowby Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 I luvz you
  3. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 You've been an awesome helper.
  4. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    you havent been helper for that long... but you have been good helper, id say +.5
    why do you want mod alredy?
    Kayla and Courtneyyy like this.
  5. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You are definitely well for this position in anyway.

    added on sat, nov 15th

    but your past actions do worry me and the community as a whole
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  6. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    You haven't been a helper for that long... BUT DOESNT MATTER

    Oh, and good app and stuff like that.
    Kayla and CyberneticToast like this.
  7. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    even though you've been helper for like a couple of months, prob 2, idk, but you seriously need youre [Melon] pex back.
    CyberneticToast and legendcaleb like this.
  8. CyberneticToast

    CyberneticToast Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Yus yus yus! I don't know you super well, but I know enough to say YES. And yeah, you haven't had Helper for that long but...I don't care! +1

    EDIT: Awesome app by the way. Perfect amount of info was given and the layout was nice too xD
  9. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You're active, helpful and would make a great mod.

    Took you long enough
  10. VKL

    VKL Guest

    idk you, but i know you're good at staff ;) +1
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  11. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

    Likes Received:
    You didn't read his application did you? He has only been helper for 2 weeks.. not months.
  12. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    I know it feels like 2 months ;_;
    ToonMichaela likes this.
  13. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +/-. Let me elaborate on this.

    I do think you are ready for this position, however that does not make the fact that you illegally spawned in gold blocks when you were an Administrator. I still feel that I can't trust you as much as I did several months ago. I will change this vote to a full +1 if I feel that you are trustworthy from my perspective.
    Kayla and Courtneyyy like this.
  14. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    Neither was Reggles. Look where he is. +1
  15. addyawesome01

    addyawesome01 Popular Meeper

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  16. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Deinen, we've been talking quite a bit since you got helper. You have been nothing but nice, and a great person. You have a great dedication here, and I always see you on. You have a high modreq count, and you are super active. You always want to help out, and you are the perfect candidate for moderator.

    Good luck! :)
  17. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 you should be admin, not mod.

    get outta here.
  18. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

    Likes Received:
    Deinen -

    I haven't seen anything that differs from my original judgement on you from when I became a Helper. You have dedication, a great personality, and help so much around here. From my perspective, and my old perspective, you deserve this.

    You know where I stand, and good luck. :)
  19. discdog1000

    discdog1000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Good application, and you're very active
  20. Staraptia

    Staraptia Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Manipulation and Corruptedness :)
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
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