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Meep Rules except the word 'rules' has been replaced by krabby patties

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SpongeyStar, Dec 5, 2016.


do u like some krabby patty

  1. too much tartar sauce

  2. mayonaisse

  3. yes to the heck

  4. heck to the no

    0 vote(s)
  5. copypasterino

  1. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    This section will explain all the krabby patties and regulations that apply to every aspect of the server. Violating any of these krabby patties is NOT allowed anywhere on our server, our forums, or our Teamspeak. The krabby patties stated here are subject to change, and more krabby patties can and will be added should they become necessary. The administration reserves the right to change the krabby patties with or without warning. Ban lengths will be under the discretion of the staff. Fines may occur in the form of money wipes and/or item confiscation depending on the severity of the offense. MeepCraft staff reserves the right to punish a player for any reason we deem appropriate, and krabby patties will be enforced based on the spirit, not the letter of them. Admitting to breaking any of the following krabby patties may result in the corresponding punishment, regardless of if proof of the broken krabby patty is recorded.

    By joining the MeepCraft Minecraft Server, accessing the MeepCraft Forum, accessing the ts.meepcraft.com TeamSpeak or accessing the MeepCraft.com Donation page, you agree to abide by these krabby patties and follow staff requests.

    1. Inappropriate Content

    Content that is deemed inappropriate by a staff member falls under this krabby patty. Violations of this krabby patty include but are not limited to:

    Spamming chat or encouraging spam

    Any repetitive posting

    Random characters, gibberish or nonsense

    Encouraging spam for no other purpose than to encourage spam

    Excessive arguing

    Failing to stop a conversation/topic when requested to by a staff member

    Intentionally avoiding the caps filter

    Using global chat (/g, /shout) for the purposes of sales, trade, and advertisements is prohibited and should be limited to the /tr chat (/tr)

    Using trade chat (/tr, /trade) for the purposes of conversation is prohibited and should be limited to other channels intended for conversation

    Language/Offensive Topics

    Any commonly deemed vulgar words are prohibited

    Any commonly deemed hate content is prohibited

    Any commonly deemed drug related content is prohibited

    Any other deemed inappropriate, offensive topics is prohibited

    Inappropriate/Offensive skins

    Any repeated or extreme negative action towards a player without their consent may be considered harassment.

    Any repeated or extreme attempts to get an innocent player in trouble, or repeated or extreme attempts to damage their reputation may be considered slander

    Inappropriate content can occur through any means. IE: Any form of communication, signs, books, buildings, etc.

    2. Scamming/Deception for gain


    Any attempt to deceive another player for gain (usually monetary, or for items) with promise of a service, or money and failing to follow through with the deal made.

    Failing to pay on a lost bet constitutes as scamming

    Any attempt to deceive a player through chest-shops, including the use of hidden chest-shop signs (usually backwards). The use of hexidecimal values is also prohibited. Also included is the use of decimals in attempt to disguise the price, this will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

    Taking advantage of other people’s shops. Example: making copies of books or other items to replicate an item to sell in a chest shop, making someone broke because of their mistake (spelling, integer amount, etc.). Other people’s “mistakes” will be defined by a staff member if needed.

    Rank scamming is strictly forbidden, and if caught will result in a Permanent Ban


    Sending a player a /tpa, or accepting their tpa to you, then killing them is prohibited

    Using a false pretense in order to get a player to a spot in order to kill him

    Using any kind of deception in order to kill a player

    Using any kind of deception in order to hurt a player or gain from a player is prohibited

    Gaining access to an account using deception is prohibited

    MeepCraft does not tolerate selling or buying anything related to MeepCraft in exchange for real currency or real items. If scammed, MeepCraft or it’s staff hold no liability and is not required to give a refund. The only exception to this krabby patty is with MeepCraft purchasable such as ranks, fireworks, heads, etc. Also note: backing out of auctions is not considered scamming, but feel free to disallow that person from future auctions.

    3. Hacking/Cheating

    The use of any hack, modification, glitch, or texture pack to give yourself an unfair advantage falls under this category. Suspicion of use of a hacked client is sufficient enough to ban. The things that violate this krabby patty are, but not limited to:

    A modified Minecraft client

    Any Full-Bright modification

    Any X-Ray related mod/texture pack/glitch

    Any form of speed hacks

    Any form of PVP hacks

    Any form of duplication, or “duping”

    Any form of parkour hacks

    Using any glitch that gives you an unfair advantage, or being warped somewhere that requires you to use a glitch

    Altering the Gamma of your client to simulate the effects of a full-bright modification (Donors with a full-bright perk are an exception to this krabby patty)

    Macros, autoclickers, or devices set up to simulate either autoclicker or macro

    Scripts, or bots, or other externally semi-automated or automated functioning

    Mods that are allowed on the server:



    PotionstatusHUD (Or any potion status mod that doesn't also have features listed above)

    ArmorstatusHUD (Or any armor status mod that doesn't also have features listed above)


    Minimaps that do not show the location of other players, chests, or entities (if it's togglable, it's still not allowed)

    Coordinate display mods (So long as it doesn't have features listed above)

    If you are unsure about a certain modification, ask a staff member before proceeding. Investigating acceptable mods is an ongoing process. Disclosing any information to another player about how to hack/cheat is also considered illegal as well as speaking about hacking/duping casually as if it’s acceptable.

    4. Acts Against the Server, and the Owner

    Any action or conduct that threatens the server, and/or the owner in any way. It includes but is not limited to:

    Impersonating a staff member

    Using usernames similar in nature to a staff member's username or a staff member's rank

    Threats to the server or staff

    Lagging/Crashing the server with items

    Charging back a donation

    Advertising any other Minecraft server (An IP does not have to be included)


    This krabby patty does not prohibit people from expressing this displeasure, but tries to outline the manner in which a player should do so. This means, if you are unhappy with something, you’re welcome to post on the forums, or anywhere else detailing why you are unhappy with a certain aspect in a respectful way. However, some players are not satisfied with this outlet, and begin to become a thorn in the server’s proverbial side. If it is found that the majority of a player's interactions are negative ones against the server, staff, or any player in general, if that player continuously attempts to push the boundaries of the krabby patties for the sake of pushing them, or in general attempts to degrade the enjoyment of the server for others in a continuous manner, this player can and will be considered toxic.

    Note: All minigame specific krabby patties will be listed in the minigame lobby.


    All the krabby patties stated in the MeepCraft Global Krabby patties still apply to the Forums. Violating any krabby patties stated above or listed below through any means will result in a warning points, initiated through conversation by a staff member. This message is automated and not written by the staff member you received it from. Depending on the number of warning points you have accumulated, a tempban (or permanent ban after accumulating enough points) will occur automatically.

    Here are some additional krabby patties that apply to our Forums:

    1. Posting in Restricted Areas

    Posting unrelated content, or posting if you are not involved in these areas is prohibited:

    Ban Appeals

    Report a Player

    Donation Help

    Once a post has been made, if it does not directly involve you and/or you have nothing useful to contribute then posting in either of those areas violate this krabby patty. In the case of ban appeals and report a player, your opinions are not considered useful contributions.

    2. Commenting on Staff Applications

    Each person is allowed two posts on an application, leaving them one post for a comment, and one for a response to the applicant's comment. All comments will go through a moderation process to ensure they are considered useful contributions.

    3. Attracting Likes

    Attracting likes in the following ways is forbidden:

    Buying like with meebles, or other payments/services

    Exchanging a like for a like with another user

    Using alt accounts to generate likes

    Asking for likes

    Any other method of generating likes not legitimately given by the community in general

    4. Alternate Forum Accounts

    Using multiple forum accounts or creating false identities on the forums is not allowed. Using alternate forum accounts to avoid a ban is also prohibited.


    All krabby patties stated above apply to Teamspeak. Staff does not have to supply proof for any Teamspeak bans. If you need help with adjusting your Teamspeak to follow these krabby patties, contact a staff member. To receive permissions to use our teamspeak server, you should file a /modreq in game for a staff member to verify your identity.

    Here are some additional krabby patties that apply to our Teamspeak server:

    1. Teamspeak Name

    Your teamspeak name should be the same as your in-game name. You may add another name but your IGN needs to be included somewhere. Your name should not contain anything inappropriate.

    2. Recording Conversations

    You may not record without the consent of everyone in the channel.

    3. Music

    Playing music without the consent of everyone in the channel (unless you are in the music channel) is prohibited.

    4. Regarding Mic Use

    You need to have push-to-talk or a low enough mic sensitivity so no one else can hear any noise other than your own voice.

    5. False Complaints

    Filing false complaints against people without a proper reason in an attempt to force a ban on them will result in a ban for those involved with the complaints.

    6. Voice Changers

    The use of voice changers on teamspeak is prohibited.


    All krabby patties stated within the Global krabby patties also apply to the Towny server. Towny has additional krabby patties that you must abide by on the Towny server.

    By joining the MeepCraft Minecraft Server, accessing the MeepCraft Forum, accessing the ts.meepcraft.com TeamSpeak, or accessing the MeepCraft.com Donation page, you agree to abide by these krabby patties and follow staff requests.

    Krabby patties for Towny player

    1. Griefing / Theft

    You may not alter any building, plot or town that does not belong to you without consent. Alterations include but are not limited to:

    Placing or destroying blocks

    Taking items from any container

    Placing or dropping any unwanted items in hoppers

    Spawning unwanted animals or mobs

    Claiming a plot without the consent of the mayor (Unless otherwise stated in the town krabby patties)

    Using your Mayor or Assistant powers to commit any crime

    Breaking blocks on your plot, and making it look unpleasant before leaving the town

    If you decide to leave a town and/or the server, you must leave your plot the way you received it unless you receive the consent of the mayor to do otherwise

    2. Traps

    Any trap in the towny server with the intention to harm and/or kill another player violates this krabby patty. You may not have:

    Any redstone device that, once activated, harms a player

    A town spawn that does not allow for safe entry/exit

    Large holes that are not properly secured

    Trapping portals or making portals unsafe in the nether or end

    3. Trespassing

    Trespassing is the act of entering private property without permission. The plot must have no access with standard access with standard permissions unless otherwise stated by signs. Alternatively, a player can be asked to leave and if they do not, it is considered trespassing. To prevent trespassing, one can toggle their town to private or close off their plot with all perms off. Illegal grinder usage also falls under trespassing. The grinder must be closed off and have clearly posted signs stating who is or isn’t allowed to use the grinder. If the grinder is open and no signs are placed, then it will not be considered trespassing until they are asked to leave. If you do not want certain people to enter your town/plot, place a sign in a visible location in relation to that town/plot.

    4. Toggling PvP

    If someone is on your property you reserve the right to ask them to leave. If they do not, then you may toggle PVP after these conditions have been met:

    You must give them 3 warnings, 15 seconds or more apart before toggling PvP

    You must allow the adequate time to leave as well as a clear definition of where they're not allowed

    The player is not AFK

    You must take screenshots of the warnings

    5. Personal PvP Arenas

    Personal PvP arenas follow the same krabby patties as those in the Terrarium. The exceptions are:

    Poison potions are allowed

    Camping is allowed

    Logging will not be enforced in personal arenas

    Note: any other krabby patties you would like out of your PVP arena must be clearly stated on signs (eg: disallowing /dis, /fix, /heal)

    Krabby patties for Mayors / Town Staff

    All towny krabby patties apply for Mayors and all other town staff, in addition to:

    1. Town Rules

    You must have krabby patties clearly written at your /t spawn and the actions you take upon violating these krabby patties. You must have evidence that they committed the infraction.

    Any changes to the krabby patty require a 7 day notice, and/or those krabby patties do not take effect for 7 days after the alteration

    2. Town Taxes

    Tax krabby patties that towns must follow:

    A town that charges a tax must have the tax prices visible by signs at the town spawn

    Town taxes may not be change under any circumstances without a 7 day warning of the change and a clearly public note on the amount it is being changed to. Failure to do this will result in a very serious ban.

    If you have more residents than plots claimed in your town, you cannot charge a residential tax, but can charge a plot, embassy, or shop tax

    Residents must be given a 7 day warning before any tax increases

    Changing a player’s plot type to a higher tax bracket is considered increasing taxes, and requires a 7 day warning. The exception to this is if the town krabby patties already detail how, when, and why they will do this (For example: If a resident is inactive 14 days, their plot will be switched to embassy or shop, which can have a higher tax)

    3. Kicking Residents

    When kicking a resident, here are the guidelines for how mayors should do so:

    Inactivity Kick - If a player is inactive for 14 days or more then no warning is necessary for player removal

    For General Removal (No krabby patty violation) - If a player has committed no violation of towny krabby patties, or your town’s krabby patties, then a 7 day warning is necessary with a /mail to the player, and a sign on their plot is optional

    For Krabby patty Violation - If a player has violated a towny krabby patty, or your town’s krabby patty, you can kick them according to the way described in your /t spawn with signs. If no signs are present, a 7 day warning must be given

    Players with a tempban - If a player has a tempban, then you must give them a 7 day warning after their ban has expired. The warning must be done with /mail, and a sign on their plot optional

    Players with a Perm ban - If a player has been permanently banned. You must wait for an admin to review the plots before you can take them back. If the ban is reduced to a tempban, you must give them a 7 day warning after the ban was expired. If the player is unbanned, you must give them a 7 day warning.

    4. Settling and Expanding

    When expanding or starting your town, you must follow the following krabby patties:

    You are not allowed to settle or expand within 3 plots of another town without the approval of the mayor of the town you want to expand near, this includes outposts. You are allowed to claim a plot within 3 plots for 24 hours for raiding purposes. The exception are plots existing prior Jan 19th, 2014

    You must have consent to surround another town on 3 sides or more, even if you are abiding by the 3 plot krabby patty

    You are not allowed to devalue or harass another town by creating visually offending structures, signs, or anything else deemed to be made for purpose of harassment/annoyance

    5. Towny Deletion

    A town may NOT be deleted under any circumstances unless the town has no members in the town or all member of the town were warned of the deletion 14 days previously using the message board. An honest attempt to contact town members must also occur. Removing money from bank to cause a town to fall is also prohibited.

    6. Relationship between Mayor and Co-Mayor

    The Mayor and Co-Mayor are equal in rank within the town, the co-mayor not needing permission for actions such as, but not limited to:

    /t claim

    /t unclaim

    /t withdraw

    Alteration to any property in town possession

    Removal or usage of any item on town property

    The exception to this krabby patty is in cases where the action taken by co-mayor puts the town at risk of falling. When withdrawing, a co-mayor must leave a minimum of 7 days worth of upkeep in the town, if the town falls, the co-mayor will be held responsible for the situation. Also prohibited is the act of joining a town as staff with the only intention to grief/steal and will be considered scamming. All other mayor and co-mayor disputes will not be moderated.


    All krabby patties stated within the Global krabby patties also apply to the Skyblock server. Skyblock has additional krabby patties that you must abide by on the Skyblock server.

    By joining the MeepCraft Minecraft Server, accessing the MeepCraft Forum, the MeepCraft TeamSpeak, or the MeepCraft.com Donation Page, you agree to abide by the krabby patties and follow staff requests.

    1. Scamming

    All other types of scamming apply to Skyblock, however in addition to the krabby patties stated within the global krabby patties, it is illegal to join an island with the only intention to grief and/or steal and will be considered scamming.

    2. Griefing

    Unless covered by Scamming, the staff will not take an active stance on this. We will not moderate any cases revolving around griefing.

    3. Trespassing

    If a user has issued an island ban on you, or has informed you they have issued an island ban on you. It is illegal to return to this island via any means of transportation. Bringing a player to an island they are banned on will also fall under this krabby patty.

    4. Kicking Island Members

    When kicking an island member, you must give them a 7 day warning before doing so. If a player has been inactive for more than 14 days, you are welcome to kick them without warning.

    5. Regarding New Islands

    The act of beginning new islands with the intention of selling the items then /island restart-ing again is prohibited. As well as beginning a new island, to gather the items and transfer them to another party, and proceed to /island restart. Any measures taken to circumvent the idea of having one island to begin with and/or to work with are prohibited. If for any reason you need to leave an island, your achievements will be reset. Abusing this mechanic is also prohibited.

    PVP Krabby patties

    All krabby patties stated within the Global krabby patties also apply to the Terrarium. The Terrarium has additional krabby patties that you must abide by in the Terrarium. These krabby patties also apply to KitPVP. The only exception to these krabby patties are towny PVP areas. See towny krabby patties thread for more details.

    By joining the MeepCraft Minecraft Server, accessing the MeepCraft Forum, accessing the ts.meepcraft.com TeamSpeak or accessing the MeepCraft.com Donation page, you agree to abide by these krabby patties and follow staff requests.

    1. PVP Logging

    Disconnecting from Meepcraft in the middle of combat by closing the window, or any other means of purposeful disconnection is not allowed in PVP combat except in the wild worlds (wild, nethers, end). Any act of instant teleportation, while in combat, may also be considered logging. The dungeon is included in this krabby patty.

    2. Potions

    The use of an Invisibility, Poison, or Strength II potions in any form (including tipped arrows) is illegal in the Terrarium (KitPVP is an exception only if it is a part of your kit or purchased otherwise). Any other potions are legal.

    3. Ladder Camping

    Standing around a ladder to kill anyone as soon as another player enters or exits is illegal

    4. Alternate Accounts

    Using alternate accounts to generate easy meebles is prohibited. This krabby patty also includes using friends who allow you to kill them.

    If you feel you have been wrongly banned, feel free to file a ban appeal where a staff member other than the one who banned you will review the case.

    If you see anyone committing any violation of any krabby patty, please take necessary screenshots and post under Report a Player or file a /modreq in game.

    If you are banned, you may not use any alternate account to get around a ban. Forum ban appeals can be appealed using the form.

    MeepCraft Staff reserves the right to use good judgement for punishments and ban lengths, along with combined infractions. Lying to a staff member will also result in a harsher punishment.

    This krabby patties list cannot possibly hope to cover all instances of behavior that is detrimental to the servers or community, thus the MeepCraft Staff reserves the right to warn, kick, or ban players deemed to be detrimental as well as the right to form new krabby patties when needed. Admins also reserve the right to reset player data as needed.
    LadyCassandra, Blendyz and Qaws like this.
  2. Blendyz

    Blendyz Hipster for Life ♥

    Likes Received:
    Idk why I laughed at this
    LadyCassandra and SpongeyStar like this.
  3. shains

    shains never stop fighting

    Likes Received:
    as the person who wrote most of these

    a+ content 10/10 would recommend
  4. Blendyz

    Blendyz Hipster for Life ♥

    Likes Received:
    If you turned this into your English teacher, she'd give you extra credit points.
    SpongeyStar likes this.

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