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Accepted KattyKatt Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by KattyKatt, Sep 25, 2015.

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  1. KattyKatt

    KattyKatt New Meeper

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    Member Name KattyKatt

    Additional In Game Names: None

    When you were banned: I was banned yesterday around 5:30 pm ish...

    Reason for ban: theft and misuse of mayor privileges

    Ban Length: 24 hours

    Staff member who issued ban: Klitcher

    Why we should consider your appeal: He has now banned me twice, the first time is was be cause I was apparently griefing which at the time I didn't know what that was due to the fact I was still fairly new to the server, the only reason for griefing was due to the fact in the town I'm in with my bestfriends and one of them happen to be the mayor, the guy I was apparently griefing some how managed to become co mayor and we have to this day no idea how, but anyways, my first ban was because of a rule that wasn't posted that I broke before it was even up, This time the reason why I was banned was for apparentlt stealing and abusing my mayor privileges, which I didn't do, Klitcher says he has vivid proof of me stealing for some guy that was in our town that was stealing from us and the town, then was illegally kicked which he wasn't I was also blamed for him being kicked and his old plot being unclaimed, he says I stole a potion from this guy when I don't use them I have gotten numerous potions from the mayor for me to put in a chest, but that's it, and I have asked Klitcher numerous times to show me this proof and who filed the modreq he has yet to do either he just continues to say he has vivid proof.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    After evaluating the situation and talking to GGOKirito I am going to unban you. Klitcher is not at fault by any means and does indeed have proof. He was following the rules, which is his job, but considering the circumstance I am going to override this situation. Thank you.
    Toostenheimer, Muunkee and Ukim like this.
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