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Best Posts in Thread: Its not a donation.

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    What the hell, civil discourse is not allowed on the internet. Go back to hurling insults, thanks.
  2. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    It.Is.Not.A.Donation. I'm baffled how its still called a donation by so many people. The term is used to imply that you have no rights as a person who spent money, but you do. You are customers. These are not donations. You buy a product and exchanged money for it. This isn't an argument, there isn't really much to discuss. Legally, its a purchase. You cannot write this off for a tax deduction. Even the owner of the server came on and essentially said they were purchases.

    I'm saying this for two reasons.
    1) The fact that this was settled long ago and people still blindly argue that it is with no substantial evidence beyond that fact that the server says donations.
    2) It disempowers the supporters of the server by essentially saying that once you hand over your money, you are entitled to nothing because I call it something its not. Its a trick and its not something those who keep the server afloat should fall for because they are the reason this server remains. Don't be fooled.
  3. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Completely wrong. Dein argued the same thing and got bodied for it. Its a product because its an exchange of money for a virtual item that constantly evolves as time goes on. Your example of a church membership is also completely false because the only reason church memberships are tax deductible is because they are a religious organization. Your membership to any other group is not tax deductible. Your membership to Hulu is more of what this is. You can't use an organization that is completely different than the one we are talking about to make your point. This is a for profit server and should be treated as such.
    Heyy. I'm sorry that you felt targeted by this and I can see why you did. This honestly wasnt' aimed at only you. This is an annoying problem that extends to a lot of people beyond you ,who continue to make a ridiculous argument that does nothing but take away power from donors. I'm really happy you saw dein's side. A lot of people see this as a donation and its just not true and i dont want people to keep thinking it.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The benefit of public forums is the ability to discuss things. I would suggest that if you dislike something, then don't participate.
  5. Redolwolf

    Redolwolf Popular Meeper

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    I don't remember how to be rude to people, someone roast me so I can remember again.
  6. Redolwolf

    Redolwolf Popular Meeper

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    Apologies for thinking it was aimed at me. I appreciate your kind response to my stupidity :) <3
  7. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    Mineplox dropped to about 10,000 active players :p
  8. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Enron, cooey, Pmx728 and 1 other person like this.