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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    I remember someone having a debate like this a while back, however I myself have to debate this in school soon and I'd like to see some opinions and get an idea of what the opposing team may say.

    please note none of what I am about to say is in any way intended to be dis respectful towards anyone or any beliefs that may feel offended.

    My opinion, no.
    There is no evidence that states his existence. The words on a man-written book does not suffice. Just because someone wrote something does not make it real. If this were true, hell, sign me up for Hogwarts!

    There are even more reasons. God is known as the all powerful and all knowing. Why does he not give us all the knowledge he knows so we can live in a peaceful society? If he is so powerful, why can he not stop a plane from crashing down? "God works in mysterious ways." Just makes him look like an evil guy. He lets people die because of his "ways"?

    And if he is real, why has he killed more people than the devil himself? God = about 25 million. Lucifer = 60. Just 60. I think Lucifer should be God since he spared humanity more than God himself.

    Those who say that you need faith to 'see' God...faith doesn't help a man regain an arm. Faith does not prevent the death of thousands. Faith causes war. It causes famine, racism, and pure ignorance.
    Qaztar, cooey, Toostenheimer and 10 others like this.
  2. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Faith doesn't cause those things; it's used to justify them, and while faith may not help you physically, it can provide you mental and emotional support. How do words like "Love your neighbor as yourself" cause war? How do words like “Give generously to the poor and do so without a grudging heart" cause poverty? On of the five central pillars of the Muslim faith is giving at least 2.5% of your annual income to the less fortunate. It isn't in religion where evil lies; it is in people.
  3. _MacintoshWave_

    _MacintoshWave_ Celebrity Meeper

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    it really depends on what you choose to believe in. i'm afraid of nothingness when i die. so i kind of believe in god, i believe in more heaven though. it would also depend on your faith. if you believe in a god, you believe in an after life. if you don't, you believe in nothing. the reason i'm scared is because technically you can't visualize nothing, so you never really know what nothing is like. so i believe in a god, but do you?
    MoonlitMadness and 2leah2 like this.
  4. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    My family believes in God, but just that he's there. Like, we don't believe that God created the Earth, we believe in the big bang. But we believe, that God, is there.
  5. Thee Boss

    Thee Boss Celebrity Meeper

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    Lucifer isn't the devil. lol

    There had to be something/someone too create the universe or create multi-celled life in the universe

    In my opinion there is a god
    DeadlyPoptartz likes this.
  6. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    Lucifer = 10*
    And God let him as part of a bet...
  7. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

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    no but satan is
  8. Big Daddy

    Big Daddy Meeper

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    I'm an atheist too, for me, the only reason I would see someone believing in god or worshiping a religion is because they think love and religion are correlated. Probably people feel as thought they have some kind of inner peace, believing they will be in a way rewarded for their good deeds here in the material world. Another thing why people are religious might be because it brings people closer, no matter the religion, groups of people, big or small all gather and celebrate their holidays etc.

    Another thing worth mentioning, God isn't what they say he is in the bible or the quran, you can't blame some imaginary person in books for deaths of many people like you did. God is what you want him to be, you can believe in a god but not believe in religion, it doesn't have to be related in any way.
  9. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

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    Based God is real.
    Liz, Lilliya, KyloMeep and 1 other person like this.
  10. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    im not going to get into a debate here. all im saying is i beleive in the one and only God who wrote the bible thru men,the God that created the universe and everything in it. i beleive in that God. i mean look around you. you have all these HIGHLY detailed living organisims that evoulutionists say came from disorder? a "big bang" . a glob that exploded made me... and you and everything? i cant beleive that. i beleive in the one and only True God (that you cant make how you want to be, as some have said) That is the beginning and the end, the maker of all.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 11, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 11, 2014 ---
    also yes, faith is the key to unlocking God, when i was seeking him i beleived in him and gave him my life. my eyes were blinded by my sin, and i told him i hated my sin and i have faith and i beleive in him and he opened my eyes.
    Faith and want for God, not sin, and giving him your life is the key to God
  11. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Same Damn thread over and fricking over you know what this will turn into

    Drop the subject all it causes are Flame Wars.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 12, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 12, 2014 ---
    Words of Flipping Wisdom right here ^ Gosh Dang
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 12, 2014 ---
    Ok Srry for the Triple Post but I just reread the OP.

    The only person I see here that is ignorant is you. Look at the Religion itself not the People to truly understand it. Muslims are truly some of the most Caring, Charity Based people out there it is the Extremists that make them look bad. I know some Muslims that detest the Extremists but accept them because that is what they do. Sorry, but that was the most blatantly ignorant and complete lack of thought OP I have ever read. Please do your Homework on a subject before Posting it. :)
  12. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    God can be real, but that doesn't mean there's a religion that has it right. All religions, even atheism, can be wrong.

    In my opinion, if God is real, then he is not infallible. However, one should acknowledge that the same arguments against God, can also be used for God.
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  13. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    (Noticed this and had to get into it. I believe in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, sorry :<)
    God does exist. He is also known as Heavenly Father. His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, created the world in 7 days.
    If you don't believe in God, that's ok.
  14. Godwnoface

    Godwnoface Celebrity Meeper

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    You can't firmly say yes or no to this question because the idea of God and any other religion requires you have faith and belief in those ideals.
    Notice the Damn word OPINION.
    Just because you believe in it, That doesn't make it right or true.

    Besides the point, Be a decent human and in the slight chance that God does exist, Maybe he won't smite you down to the depths of hell for not being a bigot.
  15. Klitch


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    I personally believe that there is no god. If there happened to be a god, however, then I believe that he created the big bang and started the first forms of evolution. Other than that, he's letting us do our own thing.
  16. MCRichHuey

    MCRichHuey Celebrity Meeper

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    I'd like to ask you these questions in response to your question, n00bslayer_99. If God is real, what would be his motivation for being concerned with human beings? Why would he bother to be involved with us at all if he knows everything and knows that we are vastly inferior to him in every way?
  17. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Kind of like the Sims :p Except put on "Natural Mode"
  18. Skwisher

    Skwisher Popular Meeper

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    God may be real or he may not. Either way, he doesn't do anything.
    Maneo, Lilliya, Draqq and 1 other person like this.
  19. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    Kind of like Tony Abbott!
  20. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    That's my question. If God exists why would he let people start wars in the name of Jesus Christ?
    For the most part this really does not make sense as I am referring to God himself, not his followers. Please give me something to argue against instead of just telling me I am ignorant, when in fact I am not. You are being arrogant by calling me ignorant because I do not believe in a God. Shall I call you ignorant for believing that there is a God? no. It's a matter of opinion, and if you do, I respect it, and I ask you kindly to respect mine, too. As for the Muslims, I realise that not 100% of muslims are extremists, however currently (and sadly) 100% of extremists are muslims.

    If he had no motivation, what was the point of Jesus Christ getting killed to forgive our sins? I mean, why would he bother if God didn't care (or as you said, had no motivation) about our sins?
    Toostenheimer likes this.

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