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Denied Interdesirenames ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by interdesirename, Sep 13, 2014.

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  1. interdesirename

    interdesirename Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): interdesirename
    When you were banned: 8/7/2014
    Reason: Glitch explotion
    Ban Length: perm
    Staff Member: quaddy
    Why we should consider your appeal: Well I don't know where to start off it was wrong of me to leave my account unsecure and vulnerable to other people. I am sorry for that and I regretted that I did. I have thought on what I did and I am sorry for doing it. The people you can trust the most will let you down for which I have let you down meepcraft and staff you had expectations of the players and I failed to follow them expectations for which I pay the price no other one but me and I am sad about that because I try to follow expectations I have matured a little over the month and learned from my mistakes and when mistakes happen its bad for everyone not just me the community in which I preside in I am truly sorry for letting my account unsecure which turns into violates meeps rules and I have now learned that and it will no longer happen. Sorry staff for hurting your pride in meepcraft sorry meepcraft in general I have let you down.
    OP_XuanWei likes this.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    This is your second offence of glitch exploitation. I think you need to wait one more month. Denied.
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