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Denied Interdesirenames Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by interdesirename, Aug 2, 2014.

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  1. interdesirename

    interdesirename Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Interdesirename
    When you were banned:7/27/14
    Reason: Glitch exploitation
    Ban Length: 7days
    Staff Member: Bob4444444
    Why we should consider your appeal: Please I have learn my mistakes I require no more punishment. Just give me a chance if I ever do a single glitch again (knowing doing it) you can perm ban for how ever long you want just please give me a chance just 1 more.
  2. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    As an active member of the MeepCraft community you know very well that any form of cheating/hacking is not tolerated.

    Please wait out the remainder of your ban,

    Cascade1324 likes this.
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