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Denied I was wrong for what i did.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Brycethecoolkid, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. Brycethecoolkid

    Brycethecoolkid New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): brycethecoolkid
    When you were banned: 10/15/14
    Reason: xray
    Ban Length: perm
    Staff Member: Quaddy
    Why we should consider your appeal: First off im just gonna say im gonna be 100% honest. I used xray. i did. i just thought that if i wasnt harming anyone, i wan in the right. But clearly i was wrong. I also want to apologize to the meepcraft staff for troubling you. I should have listened to my bud, minergriff98, who repeatedly told me to not use the xray. If you dont want to let me back in, then fine. But just remember that i truly am sorry and my town was just starting to pick up. All i do anymore is go to school, go home and play on meepcraft. Thats it. So now you know how much meepcraft means to me and i truly am sorry for what i have done. Ka'peesh? :)
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    This is your second hacked client related offence. What makes us think you won't do it again, if you get unbanned?
    kwagscraft likes this.
  3. Brycethecoolkid

    Brycethecoolkid New Meeper

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    That is honestly a very good point. Heres why i wont. If it happens again i will of course be perm banned with no appeal. Now im not saying that i will do it again, i just know the consequences will be terrible. Why would i want to be banned from something that i have put hours apon hours of time into? I wouldnt, and thats why i wouldnt do it again.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Thank you for being honest and for apologizing, as well as for explaining yourself. However, I don't think it would be fair to unban you immediately after you were banned; you deserve this punishment, you did the crime.

    I suggest waiting at the very least two weeks before reappealing, and using that time wisely to think about your actions; and how you can avoid making this serious mistake again.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
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