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Denied I Got Banned Because Of Misunderstanding

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by AldenDragon, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. AldenDragon

    AldenDragon New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):Aldendragon
    Date/Time: 10:00 pm Febuarary 21
    Reason: Scamming Ranks
    Ban Length:
    Staff Member: DianaB72
    Why we should consider your appeal: I never did anything wrong. I started off by shouting out "First person to message me can buy VIP from me for 40k. I needed the money so I could buy some more heads for my skyblock island head collection which I started a little while ago. You can see it at /is warp AldenDragon. Then I got a message from fasehead saying that he/she would pay me 40k for VIP and I said that if the transaction doesn't work (cause I have a crappy computer that doesn't work well) I would give them all their money back. I got off cause with multiple tabs my computer would crash so then I went to meepcraft website and went to buy but every time I tried, the website crashed so then I went on minecraft and clicked on meepcraft, and it said you have been banned for scamming ranks by DianaB72. I would very much like to go back on meepcraft and with the help of (ultimate) hforn, I realized that you can buy meebles with irl money instead of having to sell ranks or beg for meebles. In conclusion, I will never sell a rank and end up in a long misunderstanding like this. The first thing I will do if I am unbanned is go on meepcraft and do /pay fasehead 40000.
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    hforn likes this.
  3. AldenDragon

    AldenDragon New Meeper

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    Diana lately I have been getting hacked very often but I don't know by who. I think that those "scams" were results from the hacker.
  4. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Denied. I think you know quite well what you were doing, and we do not tolerate such deceptive behavior.
    Iatemyfriends likes this.
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