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Helper -> Mod Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Akiratohiama, Aug 23, 2013.

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  1. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: Akiratohiama
    Skype Username: Akiratohiama (Olivia Kowalsky)
    Teamspeak Username: Akiratohiama
    Mic use: Yes.
    Age: 13
    Timezone: Central Time Zone
    Hours online per weekday: 17 hours. Once school begins, it will be 6 hours.
    Hours online per weekend: 17 - 19 hours.
    Position Changes: Helper to Mod.

    Introduction: Hello, my name is Akiratohiama, and I am 13 years old. I have currently been a Helper now, for a little more than a month now. I have enjoyed doing modreqs, helping, meeting new staff and people, and engaging in Team Speak with others. I have continuously been active online, on the forums or in Team Speak, Moderating in Spawn or Towns world, or moderating in Team Speak. I try to take on any task that is thrown at me, and complete it. I have so far enjoyed my time as a Helper, and wish to continue into the rank of Moderator, to ban the wrong doers. I am highly active on Team Speak, and wont fear to talk in most cases. I enjoy to help those in need, and wont back down to those who need help. I am constantly doing Modreqs, or helping those who need it.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod?: I should be Mod now for one of many reasons. I have the experiance most Helpers don't have, as a Helper/Trial Mod in the past, and currently. I know almost all the commands, and I listen to those who have suggestions, or need help from me. I am always active or online, browsing the forums, or on Team Speak/Skype. I am constantly doing modreqs, helping people in /shout, or in /msg , or just in my towns. I am also very active on the forums, moderating on Team Speak, and Skype.

    1. Maturity- As some people know, I am the least mature person when I want to be. From purposely acting like a two year old, by purposely spelling words wrong or shortening them. I like to call most people "bbys" or "speshul". At most points, I like to be playful, jolly or just acting like a two year old. I sometimes can get carried away with my jokes, or being too playful. But when I need to, I mature up, to do the duties of a Helper, or Moderator.
    2. Team Speak- When I don't know someone in game very well, I can tense up, or get very shy and quiet. At some points I can be very loud, and out going, then when someone I don't know comes into the chat, I will get shy and quiet. I try my best not to be shy, but at most points, I get shy, and be quiet.
    3. Activity - Since I have almost flunked 7th grade, I have to strengthen my grades for 8th grade. I will need to focus a bit more on school then Meepcraft at most points. I will be on only 7 or 8 hours a day on week days, and all day on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays. I also will begin soccer, Tennis, and volleyball during school. I also have Dance and Singing lessons on Sundays nights.

    Conclusion: I believe after being Helper for a month now, I am ready to step up, and take the duties Moderators have. I believe I will be able to withhold the duties, and perform to the best of my abilities as a Moderator should. I will also be able to mature up, and do more assisting around towns, spawn, /shout helping and message helping. I will also be more active on Team Speak, becoming less shy, and more open to others, and more active on forums, posting more and helping more on the forums.
    Imperfectly likes this.
  2. DeathBunny55

    DeathBunny55 Popular Meeper

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    I do think you could've been a little more descriptive on why, but I think you've done great as a helper. I especially like the effort you put into weaknesses. Just be a little more active on teamspeak. +1.
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  3. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    7-8 hours is still a LOT.
    You have good activity and actively kicking spammers and stuff
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  4. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I see good and bad in your akira. I like your work ethic, and your good activity. I appreciate your work mentality in staff, and the way you deal with the community and players. At the end of the day (huehue), you seem to be good enough for this position. However, your current outstanding demerit shows a little more about your personality. You can act a little bit temperamental, but I feel you are past this (mostly). However, I'm going to give you a solid +0 because indecisive DC is indecisive. Just keep improving like you have been and everything will be good. Good luck!
    chaos546 and Akiratohiama like this.
  5. njb2012

    njb2012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Akiratohiama, I think you are a great helper on this server. You help people a lot and I know this for a fact. I've messaged you many times and you have said you have to finish/do Modreqs first. I think this is great because you are willing to put forth a lot of your free time on this server to help others! You are also super active in /Shout. I think helping people isn't just a job for you, I think it's a passion! I would personally say, you are ready to become a moderator! +1
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  6. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    Akira, there's a lot things I can say about this one. Your modreq abilities (as I've seen them) are incredible, which is impressive and important for a staff member. Maturity can be an issue at times, but those times are few and far between. You did get a demerit, and although it was a mistake, it still counts, and that could effect you in the long run, I'm gonna give you a +.5 based on personal experiences, although there are some things you can work out
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  7. dilly1992

    dilly1992 Popular Meeper

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    Your app was extremely short.
    Your immature.
    I never see you actually helping.
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  8. Britney

    Britney Popular Meeper

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    Akiratohiama likes this.
  9. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Akira!

    Over the period of you being a helper, I feel you have demonstrated your ability to be an outstanding mod. I constantly see you helping. However, I would recommend cutting the amount of ":3" in your messages, still, its a +1
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  10. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

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    The head of yours I have. It's value will increase.

    Noh JK,jk. Though that is one legit reason though.

    You're active, I see you on all the time. Though I'm not on TeamSpeak ( cause I don't know how to ) I feel that you're going to be a great asset to this economy.
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  11. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Yes akira you are a good friend of mine, but i do not believe you are staff material.
    I have had to correct you on the rules multiple times and you lack the maturity.
    I have never seen you help in game, and you make mistakes on your modreqs (i know this from the demotion reqs on you)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  12. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    Aki isn't immature.
    Aki's app is decently sized. But I think it's qualified.
    Aki doesn't necissarilly have to help as often as she used to when she was a citizen. She has other things to do as a staff member. If she was applying for helper, that would be a different story.

    Not tryna set a forest fire here, but I think you should think before you post.

    Now Aki,

    - Good app
    - Not VERY active on TS, but I've seen you
    - Eh... you can be a bit more active IG
    Overall: +.63
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  13. thEEPfan (theMEEPfan)

    thEEPfan (theMEEPfan) Popular Meeper

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    I have mixed feelings about this.
    Aki, you're immature, but helpful. Not much to say.
    So... 16 - 19 hours of Meepcraft straight is not active to you? Does she need to be on from 1 am - 12:59 am to be active?
    EDIT: +/-0
  14. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't see her online often. I guess she doesn't talk much 0.0
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  15. Britney

    Britney Popular Meeper

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    Honestly, I don't see why she shouldn't be promoted. She's been Moderator before and she did a fine job too. She knows the rules, and she is helpful and kind. What is she going to do as a Mod that she isn't already doing now, besides being able to ban people.
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  16. Miro995

    Miro995 Celebrity Meeper

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    Nuff said
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  17. savvvy420

    savvvy420 Popular Meeper

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    I don't believe you are ready for this. There has be quite a few occasions where you have claimed modreq but never completed them. For example, one person was stolen from, quite a bit I might add, and you never went to do anything about it. Later that day they posted another modreq and it was done by another person, with you only responding with "They will be banned." This is only one example. You forget attention to detail when it comes to things like this, I think you need to work on this. You make a good helper, I just don't feel you are ready for mod. -1
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  18. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

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    - Active in game
    - Active on forums
    - Does good as helper
    - Tries to help in shout
    - Mostly has a good attitude

    - The application is short.
    - A little on the immature side (I'm on the immature side too :p, don't feel bad), but you don't go overboard I think.

    LukenDan and Akiratohiama like this.
  19. ChihuahuaSnip3r

    ChihuahuaSnip3r Meeper

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    he is a legit dude, but i would never put "i am immature" in a promotion req. then again that just proves he is legit, being honest about it.
    Akiratohiama likes this.
  20. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    +1, Akira would make a great Mod
    Akiratohiama likes this.
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