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Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by CRE3PERK1LL3R, Mar 18, 2014.

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    CRE3PERK1LL3R Well-Known Meeper

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    In-Game Username: CRE3PERK1LL3R
    Skype Username: highfivecreeper.22265 (Feel free to add me, just send me a message with your IGN and I will accept)
    TeamSpeak Username: CRE3PERK1LL3R
    Mic Use: I have a fully functional mic and love to talk or idle in team speak and Skype.
    Age: I am 14 years of age and was born in 1999. Please let me ensure you that my age certainly does not reflect on my maturity level, and I am very able to act like an adult if the situation requires. Some people immediately classify some 14 year olds as immature, but I can promise you that I can handle and control this position even with my young age. I would not like my age to become a deciding factor in my application.
    Timezone: UTC/GMT -7 hours
    Hours online per weekday: 2-4 hours
    Hours online per weekend: At least 4, sometimes around 8-10.
    Position Changes: Citizen -> Helper

    Introduction: Hello guys! My name is Creeper, but if you know me on a personal level feel free to call me Aaron. I have been playing on Meep for about a bit now and now feel like I have somewhat familiarized myself with a bit of staff members and players. I am currently in 8th grade and in a few months, I will be moving on to my freshman year of high school. I am a baseball player and am planning on trying out for the high school team. I am almost always full of energy and excitement, and am always eager to help people in any way that I can, even if I'm not recognized for it. I live in Colorado with a family of 5 which includes me, my parents, and my 2 brothers. I am working to start my new town, and have recently donated to Premium.

    Why should I become a helper?

    I feel like I would be a great addition to the staff team of Meepcraft. In the time that I have been playing on this server, I haven't become extremely recognized by players and staff members, but I hope writing this application will help my name get out there. I am constantly answering questions and communicating in shout, but I am not always noticed, and am always eager to help out new or confused players. I am great with the concepts of the server and understand mostly all in-game commands, including some staff commands.

    Some qualities that make me a good choice for a future staff member are:

    Patience: I tend to stay very calm and collected when dealing with hard to deal with or new players. I very rarely let go of my temper, and can handle answering the same question over and over again. I have learned that patience is a huge part of being a staff member, and I have learned that arguing goes nowhere.

    A understanding of the server: I know how the server is ran and how it works. I know and understand all of the rules, and understand the role a staff member plays on the server. I know almost all of the towny commands, and also some of the server commands. I can answer questions about the server, and can explain to new players how Towns work.

    Past experience: I have lots of experience with moderating/administrating the server, and even owning one. Sadly, I am not that guy that has owned 3 huge successful servers and have been moderator on 20, but I have still had a decent amount of experience. I do not want to post server IP's and names of servers here, but if you would like specific details about it, feel free to message me. I understand the role of a staff member and I know the amount of responsibility that it takes.

    Communication skills: I am always excited to talk and communicate with other minecrafters, and have access to a decent microphone with Skype and Team speak. I can communicate with players with ease, and can answer questions clearly to make it easy for the player to understand what I am explaining. I am not really the nervous type, and would love to be in staff calls and team speak if you guys do those kinds of things on this server. Because of my understanding of the server, I can easily answer questions and help players.

    Server activity: Even while being in school and playing on a sports team, I still have plenty of time to put into this server. I can be on the server from 2-4 hours on weekdays and 4-8 hours on weekends. I try to be as active as possible, but there may be times where I can't get on as much.

    Accountability: I am willing to confess if I have done something wrong, or abused my powers. Though I know I will not take advantage of my new power, I just want the staff to know that I will not lie. I have learned from experiences and others experiences that lying gets you absolutely no where, and if there is some kind of proof, your not getting out of it.

    Respectful: I promise to respect everyone and treat everyone equally and nicely. I understand that becoming a helper is basically the lowest rank of staff member you can have, but I will still treat my position with respect along with those higher rank than me. I am generally a respectful individual, and I consider this one of my strengths.

    Forum Activity: In my last application this was one of my weaknesses, but I now think it is a strength. In the past, I had major troubles coming up with things to say, but I dont have that anymore. I focus more now on quality of my posts instead of the numbers and stats. I consider myself an active member of the forums, and I will continue to be one.

    Responsible: I am a very responsible and trustworthy person, and you can trust me to not abuse and to do my job to the best of my abilities. I take matters into my own hands if needed, and will keep the server clean from rule breakers and hackers. I will do my job correctly and refrain from breaking any of the rules myself.

    Work Ethic/Effort: When I work, I do my best work. I am not one of those people who will quickly rush through modreqs and answer a with a sentence, I am the person who will answer a modreq fully and put great amounts of effort into answering a persons question, and making sure they are no longer confused. I will put my heart into my work, and work with a purpose. I am here to help, and as long as I am here, I will continue to help. I will do my job the best that I possibly can and will refrain from slacking off or abusing my powers.

    Maturity + Fun: Many people have different views on this. Some people say that it is impossible to act professional and be mature while having fun, but that is simply not true. I consider this a strength because it makes me fun to be around, and easy to talk to, which makes me a better staff member in my opinion. I will talk cleanly and stay appropriate, and treat my position as a staff member like a professional job. While doing this, I will still try to have fun and connect myself with the community, because after all, if you don't love what you're doing, and your playing Minecraft and rarely laugh, why are you playing.

    Learn Quickly: When, or if I become a staff member, I am bound to have to learn some new commands and such, and I will be able to do that very quickly. Ever since I was born, if I was interested in a subject, I was able to learn it very quickly and understand it easily. I would be able to quickly learn how to kick and temp-ban players and the offences that come with, and I will be able to pick it up real quickly.

    Not afraid to speak my opinion: When I have to speak my opinion, I will. I often give people constructive criticism and am always trying to help people improve. I love to give suggestions and things like that. I try my hardest not to be rude when giving opinions, but if your not just a little bit harsh, no one will ever improve.

    Always looking to improve: This kind of goes along with what was said in the paragraph above this one, but is a little bit different. Though I like to help others improve, I am also looking to improve myself. I look at every mistake I make as an improvement, because when looking back at it later, I will know how to fix that mistake. Without mistakes, no one would ever grow, ever improve, and that would absolutely...suck. I am always looking for others for feedback and criticism, and I love that kind of stuff. I want to be the best I can, and am always raising the ladder for myself. I hope that reading this paragraph in my application gave you a little different perspective on mistakes, and if it did, post something about this paragraph in the comment section, because I would love to hear it.

    Dedication: I am dedicated to Meep and willing to spend mass amounts of time working and assisting members of the server. I have proved my dedication by donating to the server and by staying up late and waking up earlier just to play on Meep. I have proved my dedication and hard work to many of the staff members.

    My weaknesses:

    My first weakness is hesitation. If I dont know if something is the right thing to do, I hesitate and debate with myself if it is okay or not. I realize that this could cause some small issues in the future but I will continue to work on it. I think a resolution to this would be becoming more prepared ahead of time, just in case a situation occurs.

    Another weakness is a lack of priorities. I know this might not apply to the server in any way but I thought that it would be good to share. Sometimes, I am unable to put one important thing in front of something I do for fun, such as school before video games. As I said I'm not sure it will apply to the server but it is indeed one of my weaknesses. This might apply to putting my town before modreqs, but I will try my best to keep that from happening.

    My third weakness is laziness. I used to be kinda lazy, which especially used to show on my forum activity. I have kinda grown out of this weakness as I began to focus more on the quality of my work, and I hope that I can remove this from my weaknesses soon.

    My fourth weakness is that I sometimes don't know when to shut up. I often forget my place and speak up on subjects that I shouldn't or can't talk about. I find myself speaking my opinion a lot, and I dont feel its necessary to lie to someone to make them feel better, because no one is going to learn that way. I speak my honest and true opinion. I don't know if this is a weakness, but I think it is.

    My final weakness is that I am afraid of rejection. I can handle criticism, because that's what helps me improve, but when it comes down to it, the final answer being no.. hurts. I understand there is probably nothing I can do to fix this, but I can try.

    I know I didn't share every one of my weaknesses but I put as much in as I could think of. I'm sure there might be a few more minor weaknesses, but these are all the major ones I could think of.


    I really want to thank everyone who actually read through the whole application and also left a rating and some constructive criticism in the comment section below. I spent multiple hours writing this application and many more revising. I know that I am not the greatest writer but I truly put my heart into this and definitely tried my best. I realize that I am a fairly new player that isn't recognized nearly as much as the people who joined the server in 2012, but I still feel I have the potential to become an amazing staff member of Meep. I really hope that this application is actually taken into account and that I receive a legitimate chance to become a helper of this server. I am very dedicated and look forward to putting massive amounts of time into this server. I know now that after looking over this that I am not the best writer, but this is still some amazing improvement from an application I have created in the past. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! I just feel like my presence has gone unnoticed and even if this is denied I would like to at least become friends with a few of the reviewers and staff members!

    I want to be that staff member that everyone loves to be around and a staff member that knows how to do his job. All I'm hoping for at this point is that I am not cast away and shunned by the player base of Meep because they don't know who I am. Please, before you give me a -1 for not knowing who I am, try to talk to me, get to know me, because I really want to get to know. Though this may seem cocky, I find that I am very qualified for the helper position. I have discussed my application with multiple staff members, and almost all of them told me that I seem very dedicated, have the right qualities of a staff member, and that I am full of potential. I would like to thank all the staff members including. BooBear, and Telinus, for helping boost my self confidence and pushing me to strive for this. I also want to give a special thanks to chaos for actually approaching me personally after my first application was denied, which was really huge for me. I may seem super impatient and hungry for power, but I'm honestly not. I am doing this for the players, because I absolutely love helping them, but I feel without certain commands, it is nearly impossible to fully help someone, unless it is answering a simple question. I want to be engaged, I want to repay Meep for the amazing experiences it has given me.

    It has been exactly 2 weeks since I put in my first application and I am ready to try again! A few small things were copied over from my last application, but I have changed and improved a lot of the application. Since then, I have greatly increased my in game and forum activity, have been as helpful as possible in /shout, and I have actually made some new friends! I feel like I am ready to take on this position.
  2. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    Hesitation is not bad. It prevents ones from doing regrettable things.

    I have to do +1 because I've been around you a lot; you are very mature, respectful, and demand respect as well.
    Good luck
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  3. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

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    I haven't been in game for a while, so I'm not going to judge off that.

    The only thing I want to say is that age does not matter.

    I was 13 myself when I held a staff position, MeGusta is 11 /12, and quite a number of other staff are adolescents too. Age is not a deciding factor. Maturity is.
  4. red_stone_sucker

    red_stone_sucker Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 you seem fit to be staff and seem kind :D
  5. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Great application, forum active, always helpful on the forums, etc,
  6. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • - never seen you help IG
    • + app was ok
    • + active on forums
    i am a +0 good luck
    Jinkeloid likes this.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    That was....one of the longest Apps I've ever seen. Nice! Wish I could write that well. But I see you in game some of the time, and most of the tome, you aren't helping out. And I've only seen you on TS once. I'm at +/- so gooood luck!
  8. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Same here
  9. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Creeper, you know how much I like you. I took time after your first application to seek you out, because you impressed me immensely with your first application. So lets get this started.

    - I've noticed you in game, and I have seen you help in shout.
    - I have never seen you be anything other than polite and mature.
    - Your forums activity and helpfulness is phenomenal, especially because you joined fairly recently.
    - You may not talk much on TeamSpeak, but neither did I before I applied, so its not much of an issue. Especially because you've been actively working on it.
    - Your application is one of the best I've ever seen.

    It would be a shame to give you anything other than a +1.

    Edited because my phone is a sillyface and thinks application is spelled 'aplmpication'.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    qawsedrf1835 likes this.
  10. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    Were you not banned yesterday for towny theft? If it wasn't you, someone similar was.

    -1 If it was you

    +1 because you're active, and helpful.
  11. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

    Likes Received:
    Wow just wow +1 You seem pretty active on the forums. But I don't see you IGN or on team speak but that might be because we just don't play at the same time :p The app looked AMAZING! Good luck! :)
  12. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    He belongs to my town, there was another "Creeperkiller" banned. It was not this one.
    VKL_ReWinDzz likes this.

    CRE3PERK1LL3R Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This is correct, I haven't been banned or kicked on the server once.

    Thank you all for the votes, it's much appreciated!
    chaos546 likes this.
  14. Taha

    Taha Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I DO see you in-game, just not helping :(
    I'm ALWAYS on T.S, and have rarely seen you on
    Forum activity ALWAYS goes up when becoming staff, And yours is pretty good!
    Focus on helping more and thats it!
  15. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I see you in-game and as peterkim said you don't really help In shout/local
    I don't see you on teamspeak too
    forum activity
    Work on negatives and your sure to be staff! :)
    Good luck!
  16. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Hello! I would first of all like to point out that your application was more than impressive. You shocked me greatly that a 14 yr old wrote such an amazing application. The only thing that concerns me is that you registered March 3rd. With this being said, there are others that were accepted sooner for one reason or another. At this point, for these reasons and more, we have decided that an interview would be appropriate.

    Accepted for Interview! :)
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