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Helper Application from Gamerperson783

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Gamerperson783, May 13, 2015.

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  1. Gamerperson783

    Gamerperson783 Active Meeper

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    Member Name Gamerperson783

    Additional In Game Names: XXMusicGamerXX

    How old are you? 11

    Location: California

    Do you have Skype? Yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1 or more

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1 or more

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    Introduction: Hi my name is jasmine and I love to help out I do many things at school like help kids who have autism at school and it is very sad because some of the grown ups say that some are dangerous(well only a bit) and are very thankful for us to have helped out if I am in a argument or I see some one else I step up some times unless it's none of my buisness and sometimes win the argument.I would love to be helper because I've already done an application and many people said -1 because I have no skype and now I do and also I made a mistake in my age I'm very sorry I'm actually 11 years old I didn't check because I had a little sibling to take care of at that time so I'm so sorry!If you see me please say hi it's always a nice thing to say and I love when people say hi to me!:)

    Why you should be Helper? I'm very kind and love to help out and I'm good in arguments and fights I type really fast in case of an emergency so I could maybe be very helpful on the team.A good amount of people know me and I bet they could say I'm pretty nice.

    What are your weaknesses? Only this one person annoys me and that's my only weakness so far name not to be said and if something happens that something mean happens I just ignore them or keep doing what I'm doing like that's not the point it's because something happened to this or that.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I do not get angry sometimes only when it comes to parkour when I fall a lot :) but that's not the point so if anything happens that I may think of mean I will not step in like I did in the other application so I'm sorry for anything I did in the other application and I hope I would get only good things from this thank you for your time in this application.:)
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I haven't seen you online on any aspect on the server.
    Your hours would also not benefit the staff team.
    The smiley faces don't belong here.
    Thats not really a weakness.
    EDIT: I was on my tablet for the original post. Have updating, I put comments for the app in blue.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    Bluapol and OneBreadSlice like this.
  3. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    What monkey said and this:

    I've seen you on the server. You do absolutely nothing in /g. When you do say something, I don't see the maturity there.
    You may play for more hours ingsme than you app says, but 1 hour isnt going to make you an asset to the staff team. Either actually list the time you spend on, or increase your activity. Make you application more lengthy. Explain good qualities about yourself and how they would benefit the staff team. There was a lot of sentences that were rammed together with a small vocabulary. I'm not saying use big words you don't understand, but use some more sophisticated words.

    Other than the points I listed above, you're pretty well set. However, I cureently stand at a -1.
  4. Gamerperson783

    Gamerperson783 Active Meeper

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    1:I could play more if you want me too just tell me and I wouldn't be doing this
    2:eek:k it's just a little just 3 of them no big deal
    3:then I don't really have weaknesses exept when my little siblings bother me in real
    Ok not trying to be rude in any way not that I am rude but how do I not show the maturity?And yes I can improve a little bit in the time for playing more on meepcraft.Ok I'll make it more lengthy next time.How can I improve my self to get this position can you please tell me???
    --- Double Post Merged, May 13, 2015, Original Post Date: May 13, 2015 ---
    But basically I'll try to improve this as much as I can thank you.
  5. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    A note from me: try not to respond. It looks bad.

    I'm still a -1, as you haven't told us why. Convince me you would be good!
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  6. Seriena

    Seriena Active Meeper

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    1. Your app was short

    2. I have not seen you on all three aspects of the server

    3.Someone annoying you is not a weakness

  7. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    This all. ^
    I am on -1 too, due reasons which Monkey already said.
  8. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    -1 buddy
  9. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    If someone annoying you is a weakness there is no way you will be able to even stand being helper, more or less any other staff rank.
    Your app was weak and short
    I also have not seen you on any relations of meepcraft (Teamspeak, the server, and the forums)
  10. Chickenator

    Chickenator Popular Meeper

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    +1 very helpfull
    I needed help with my blaze grinder and you helped me for free!
    good luck!
  11. 00000

    00000 Guest

    The weakness is intended to mean that she may have to deal with that and not be able to play for a while. Even so, that is not a viable reason, you are correct.

    You are immature, pushy, and whiny. Your grammar is also weak and the app could use a lot of work. For now I'm a -1
  12. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    Comments are in red! I have highlighted the things in blue that are bad. You basically each section in one sentence. This makes you seem immature and young. You aren't ready yet.

  13. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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