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Helper Application from GamerGirl645

Discussion in 'Denied' started by GamerGirl645, Apr 26, 2016.

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  1. GamerGirl645

    GamerGirl645 Meeper

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    Member Name GamerGirl645

    Additional In Game Names: GamerGirl645, Gamer,

    How old are you? 11

    Location: USA

    Do you have TeamSpeak? No

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's No

    When did you join Meepcraft? about 2-3 weeks ago

    Introduction: I'm Gamer. I think meep craft is a great server and I would love to be part of it. ive been playing minecraft for 3 years now. I love sports.

    Why should you be Helper? I think I could really help out the server. and maybe create new things on the server :D

    What are your weaknesses? being on a lot. but I will be on much more because school I almost over

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I would love to be a part of this server. ive had staff experience, I wont give out ranks or anything like that
  2. xQuartz

    xQuartz Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 reasons are too short i guess.
    Staff don't just add things. they need approval too lol
  3. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Hi there!

    I'm gonna have to -1. I've seen you in game a few times today, but not enough. You seem relatively new, too, and only very recently active on forums (lots of posts in the past 15 minutes). Your application was very weak and teamspeak is a requirement for interview, staff meetings and general communication with other players. You can download it here

    On the other hand you seem very nice a friendly. Just become more active on the parts of the server for a few more months :)

    adlovesdogs and GroovyGrevous like this.
  4. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    You didn't know really how to apply. you are new to the community and forums and for that im a -1
  5. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'll be a -1 and here's why:
    -You're very new;
    Experience Meep more, play around meet the community
    -The application was short
    My Meep application was longer, and it was a crappy one. Take more tome writing.
    - And Finally for what I can say now is that you're inactive
    I haven't seen you on much, and staff need to be on a lot be it school or summer
    -TS is required
    How else shall you talk with the staff and players?
    -Also, did you make 2 of these applications?

    EDIT: Where in the USA? it matters. They want to know what time zone you're in so to know what time to expect you on and if we need more staff in said area.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  6. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    *Haven't seen you that often, get on more its fun
    *TS is required
    *Made a thread saying your new.

    Overall: Just take some more time to join get TS and grow a good community standing. Good luck ;)
  7. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    -1 sorry girl
    Bad application. Take a look at mine for a bare minimum (it's not great but it's a start.
    Get on teamspeak and meet us!
    Even I waited 3 months before I applied my first time
    Start posting constructive posts on other applications and see the pattern of who gets accepted and how to become like them!
    MoonlitMadness likes this.
  8. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    I'm sorry, but -1.

    You never really knew how to apply correctly in your application. You never told us anything about you in your intro or explained why you can be a good helper.

    I think you're getting tech mixed up in the last part of this. Helpers only moderate the server, techs create and fix plugins.

    Teamspeak is required for interview.

    Is this a weakness or just a note about your activity?

    Good luck.
  9. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    Comments are on purple, things which are bad/wrong are on red.
    Overall, this app was really weak. You should look at the accepted applications to see perfect examples of great applications with length and depth. I suggest you spend a lot more time online, letting community know you more and being overall good player for the server. Maybe eventually you get to the staff team, but its not anytime soon since you are new, and kinda young. I am on -1.
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Teamspeak is very much required. Not only should you just be active on it in case someone needs you, but you'll need to attend your own interview and staff meetings when you can.
    Do you think you can play more? Only being able to play 1 hour isn't really gonna benefit much.
    You're already part of it! You're an important part of the community. Players are just as important as staff members and you can also help and make a difference without having a staff member tag.
    Try really letting me get to know you here. I don't really see you or your personality here. Write more, tell me about yourself.
    This gives me pretty much no information. Try making several paragraphs. Tell me why you should be helper, what you'll add to the staff team, why you're better than the next guy who applied.
    As a helper, your job isn't to create new things, but to pretty much do modreqs and help people when they need it. You'll handle stuff like thefts and scams and you'll answer questions that pop up in global chat.
    This was kind of worded poorly, but your weakness is low activity.
    While this is valid, I think there's a bit more. Can you name any other weaknesses you have like immaturity, impatience, etc ?
    You are a part of this server lol.
    Giving out ranks is a good thing. Buying people ranks? Very good thing. You can't randomly give out ranks as a helper, thats not how it works..

    Overall, I don't think you quite know what the helper job entails. You should spend a few months on the server and learn a bit more, get super active, and let people get to know you.
    You currently aren't active or ready, but you seem nice. Just work on it and come apply again in a few months.
    Lady_Hestia and cooey like this.
  11. lordusan

    lordusan The true #DarkKnight

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    Need ts, new to the server, low knowledgeability of how stuff works around here.

    Gl next time :D
    Lady_Hestia likes this.
  12. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    Hey there GamerGirl, we appreciate your interest in applying for staff here on MeepCraft! Unfortunately we've decided to deny this application today. We would like to see you become more active in the server which includes (but isn't limited to): posting more on the forums, talking/helping more in game, and hanging out in TeamSpeak every now and then. Please take the advice given to you above and feel free to re-apply no sooner than 2 weeks from today! If you have any questions, let me know :)
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
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