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Helper Application from CreeperCristi

Discussion in 'Denied' started by CreeperCristi, May 19, 2015.

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  1. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    -1. I don't see you in game a lot and when I do, its not usually positive things. Work on those weaknesses because those are pretty serious weaknesses that in a staff member isn't the greatest things. Getting distracted while doing modreqs is especially bad. People need help and its our job to help them as soon as possible and when staff need help when there are 9 modreqs pilled up, this can be a very destructive quality. Work on this and reapply whenever you feel ready, whenever that may be.
    CreeperCristi and cooey like this.
  2. 1Achmed1

    1Achmed1 Popular Meeper

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    I'm not sure what to say. You probably haven't seen me in-game, and that's because I was on a Minecraft burnout for like 6 months or whatever. As such, I can't really say that "You're helpful in-game" or "You're a generally nice guy", since I wouldn't know. However, blaming immaturities and such on reasons like "I'm being mistreated @ school, so it's mainly why it happened" is not something that I'd like to see in a helper. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you're lying or anything, but if you become a helper, you need to make sure that you separate school from something that is arguably your job. A while ago, I was 12 and I was on Meep at the time and I tried to be helper (I'm 14 now), and I get that you just want to help and that sometimes it's hard to keep school separate from Minecraft. I got teased (among other things that could be considered bullying) and I know how much it sucks, and I'm sorry that people do that to you, because it's not fair. Lastly, the fact that you took the time to thank people who "-1"d for their constructive criticism is very mature and I like that you're willing to change yourself based on what people say (though you should not change yourself based on your bullies, just be yourself).

    Ultimately, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I will not +1 you or -1 you, but keep up the good work!
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
    CreeperCristi likes this.
  3. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    +1/-1 you seem quite nice in game and I don't like to be bias so I skip everyone's opinions and write this. You are a nice person ingame but I havn't really seen you in game helping others that much so try to improve that and I'd say yes +1.
  4. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    You are really friendly and active in game/ts and forums.
    Your maturity has also increased :)

    Good luck!!
  5. meeplover

    meeplover Popular Meeper

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    Reasons stated above.
  6. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't know if you active or not because i don't go on meep anymore
    seem mature for age
  7. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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    Denied at this time.
    adlovesdogs likes this.
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