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Helper App: Part Two

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by rAwsondayc, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: rAwsondayc
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: rAwson
    Mic use: All the time
    Timezone: USA-EST
    Hours online per weekday: 3-5hr
    Hours online per weekend: 5+hr
    Position Changes: Premium to Helper

    Introduction:Hello! Welcome to rAwson's staff app, again. I am 15 years old and live in Pennsylvania. I enjoy acting, hanging out with my peers, and Meepcraft. In my life I've had some bad experiences that have given me what we think is clinical depression. Video games are an outlet for me, a source of enjoyment in the world. I spend all of my Minecraft time on Meep, and I'd like to help the server now.
    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    Time: During the school year, Meepstaff have to go to school, chores, and other activities and don't have time for video games and such. I am homeschooled, and while this doesn't seem like much of an issue during summer vacation coming up, next school year I would have much more time for Meep.

    Dedication: Meepcraft is the only Minecraft server I play on daily. I spend a large amount of my time on Meep and League of Legends (Don't worry, I won't resign for Leagues). I put a lot of time into just hanging out on Meep, talking in chat, building, and many other things that make Meep fun for me.

    Teamwork: Acting has taught me to work as a team, and that every cast and backstage member is necessary for the how to go on. All parts have an equal importance, which should remind everyone, as it reminds me, to work as a team.

    Creativity: I feel that creativity is important in anything, as it creates new ideas and makes more fun experiences for others. A lot of old Meepcraft players say Meep is boring, and creativity gives a new opportunity to get new ideas implemented into the game, making players not bored.

    Independent: Being a homeschooled student, I teach myself work and can work alone very well. Although, working in groups in more enjoyable in my opinion, I work very well alone, as I have done homeschool for my entire life.

    Friendly: I would like to think I'm a friendly Meepcraft player, and I can communicate well with the community. Ask anyone, or look at some replies below if you don't know me!

    Communication: It's key to all situations, and I think that I communicate very well. Example- on stage when something goes wrong, communication has been the best way to fix the problem and get things back on track.

    Problem Solving: I plan on going into Science when I grow up, to be exact, I'd like to be a Criminal Lab Analyst. If you've ever seen NCIS, that would be Abby, the person in the lab. Problem solving is needed for this career, and for staff on Meep i believe. Players can throw problems at you from all directions, and you need to solve them.

    Seriousness: I'm more of a fun loving funny person, but when the time comes I can be serious and step up to do my job correctly.

    Experience: I have been staff on many Minecraft servers in my time. I am also Assistant in an Alpha and Beta town, so I have experience with commands.

    Sense of Humor: I have a very large sense of humor, and I feel this is important because it creates a more fun environment for players and creates player relationships bringing the community closer together.

    Work Ethic: My work ethic is great, as I am home schooled. I am able to complete 2 or 3 days of school in what takes other students a day. My Mom calls me a sponge, because I just absorb information.


    Loud: I am very loud, whether it be Skype or teamspeak. So, volume warning whenever you're with me. This usually doesn't cause a problem, it hasn't yet. During a serious situation I can keep quiet if necessary. I also have a loud keyboard, so warning.

    Rage: I have a tendency to rage, most of the time all for laughs, but I can get pretty mad. This doesn't affect my efficiency, just gets me a bit mad. This is like me being loud, I can control it to an extent if necessary.

    What I have learned since my last Staff App:

    I wanted to add this part, just to tell the players and staff how I have improved. My main notes were to be more well-known in the community, don't be so defendant towards constructive criticism, and don't be hostile towards players. I have become much more known, mostly because of my KPOP singing sensation. I also have loosened up, and realized that all comments are here to help me become a better me, and I thank you guys for commenting. I have also stopped my hostility, and just calmed down, stopped being so cocky, and responded to the situation with respect and dignity.

    Ban History:

    I felt it was important to include this, as most people gave me a -1 on my last app because I was perm banned.


    This is my ban appeal, it explains that there was confusion in asking if the Mod's were legal.

    Now you may say "Oh, he can't get staff, he doesn't know all the rules -1". Well, I feel differently because helper is a learning experience. You shouldn't know how ever behind the scenes thing works as a player, this staff position is the time to learn it.


    Thank you for reading! I love feedback, so tell me what I've done wrong and right ingame and on the forums, to better improve me! Adios!
    Jiltism and Everyone like this.
  2. Raegan1030

    Raegan1030 Popular Meeper

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    Everyone liked your post. :O
    + 0.5

    Not as immature as last time

    More i'd add, but i'm tired.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  3. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    Being old is good

    Good luck.
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  4. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

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    Idk but I could see you as staff one day. I don't see you online much due to timelines but when I do see you you're nice.
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  5. Belle_22

    Belle_22 Popular Meeper

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    +1 the past is the past im applying for helper soon i was gonna do it today but i got banned for 4 days
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  6. speedyjake2003

    speedyjake2003 Popular Meeper

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    Why belle
  7. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Amazing meeper this man. +1
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  8. emmettz24

    emmettz24 Celebrity Meeper

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    • +Active
    • -Don't help
    • -Don't see you on Ts often
    • -/+ Have potential but not ready
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  9. speedyjake2003

    speedyjake2003 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    TS Activity is low
    See you in shout but not helping

    Good Luck tho :)
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  10. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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