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Denied halo2042s Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by halo2042, Feb 12, 2014.

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  1. halo2042

    halo2042 Popular Meeper

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    IGN- halo2042
    Date 2/7/14 I believe?
    Reason- X-ray
    Length- perm
    Why you should consider my appeal-
    I am a long time meeper (halo2042 is my second account first one was lost) I have invested over 180$ onto the server. I know I cheated for gold I know it was wrong but I needed meebles. The ores I have found while using X-ray and chest finder will be destroyed. I am truly ashamed of myself for having to use cheats to get better on a game. It's pointless to use cheats and I don't know why I did. Thanks for reading this. I know it will most likely be denied but I thank you.
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Admitting is a good thing. But it does not mean you can be unbanned at this time. Denied
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