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GodricsHollow - great town for newbs

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by NuckleMuckle, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    GodricsHollow is an established town with 20+ residents on alpha under new management (previously known as Delphi), and we have added new features to help newbs make money:

    1) There's a small farm plot that can be farmed by all residents (this is an old feature).
    2) The town shop buys farm goods at very good prices (also sells banners, trades wools, has an e-book slot machine, more to come later)
    3) A public nether wart farm can be planted by residents and outsiders alike.
    4) A three-plot tree farm.
    5) A public level 30 enchanting table and some brewing stands are available for resident use (another old feature).
    6) There's a nether portal right next to spawn, which takes you directly to a stronghold.
    7) The town grinder room has two active grinders: one for spiders/cave spiders, and one for skeletons/blazes. The spawners are switch-activated to keep down lag in town. A third one is currently unpopulated, but we intend to put food animals in it in the future.

    The taxes are reasonable, there are a some pre-built plots available, and some empty plots if you want to build your own. Check us out if you're looking for a home in alpha.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    fasehed, Pmx728 and SirCallow like this.
  2. ObamaBear

    ObamaBear Popular Meeper

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    Danielrulesman likes this.
  3. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    Update: Our town grinder is really, really cool now, and we'll be adding to it in the future.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  4. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Take it from a former resident, town is nice looking. No idiots building wood boxes. . . Only problem I ever had was an attempt at Bag End. Totally screwed up that build, I admit. It ended up looking like a dirt mountain. So that got demolished. Left not too long after to build my own alpha town with my buddies, had nothing to do with that. Overall, a good Alpha town in a world of wrecked towns.
    fasehed and NuckleMuckle like this.
  5. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    Hey, thanks for bumping this. I forgot all about this thread. Thanks for the kind endorsement, too.

    OP has been updated. Man, we've added a lot.
    Pmx728 likes this.

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