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gmanminer0990's Mod App.

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Jason Villar, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Jason Villar

    Jason Villar New Meeper

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    In Game Name: gmanminer0990
    Skype Username: gmanminer0990
    Teamspeak Username: gmanminer0990
    Mic use: yes
    Age: 17
    Timezone: Eastern U.S
    Hours online per weekday: 3-5
    Hours online per weekend:4-12
    Position Change: Citizen(elite) to Mod

    Introduction: Hello, I am gmanminer0990, and soon hopefully to be mod!but in introductions, I might be so nervous, so hopefully this one will be good. I have been on meepcraft for just about a year now. And actually made an account on meepcraft.com just a week ago. So yes... It's time I try to become staff on meepcraft.

    Why I should become mod: Because I am well commited to the meepcraft society and is willing to do anyting in my power to help meepcraft. I have alot of experience with being this because I have been a mod on a server (A petty one) and lost the server IP forever after restarting my computer to factory defaults :'(. I Hope to be able to fix anything wrong,and help anyone in need! And if I absoulutly need to kick,temp or regular ban someone who breaks a rule.

    Weaknesses: Probably Banning or temp banning, I dont know why i just have a hard time doing this I always just... IDK wuss out of it.But I could avoid this problem by just typing it and not stoping.

    Conclusion: My conclusion is that I can and will try everything I can do in my power to help the server and make new things!

  2. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    You first have to go through being a Helper before becoming a Moderator.
    Your application was sub-par. It was short, the Why section was weak, and the grammar and spelling was bad.
    I have never heard of you.
    You are new to the forums, work on being involved here before applying for staff.
    Banning or Temp banning hesitation are not real weaknesses. A real weakness would be something along the lines of being immature, or something like that.
    Your conclusion is weak as well.

    Work on these things, and get a good reputation in the community before applying for staff. Having experience being a moderator is good, but we need to see that you are ready for being a staff member here.
  3. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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