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Accepted GlassCityGamer's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by GlassCityGamer, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. GlassCityGamer

    GlassCityGamer New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): GlassCityGamer
    Date/Time: 1/5 11:30est
    Reason: unspecified (but i know what i did)
    Ban Length: idk.. said appeal..
    Staff Member:Onis
    Why we should consider your appeal: Onis started a conversation on pollution in China which he soon turned into just badmouthing the entire race and country. Then as people started to voice their dislike of him offending the Chinese culture, he retaliated with an iron fist and started kicking Meeps who stood up. Maybe a person with such sheltered and biased views shouldnt be given the power of a admin? I think many would think not. But only after this did i make the comment which probably caused this ban.. i saw a meep write something similar to "Onis is fat.. this is the reason he doesnt like China".. to which i replied, "Onis is fat? Maybe he should leave the Chinese alone and stop polluting his belly with cheeseburgers!".. Now i know this is not very nice, but i hope he feels as discriminated for being fat as he discriminated the Chinese for pollution. Two wrongs dont make a right but i feel i stood up for the right cause.. thank you for your time.
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Ill bring this to onis.
  3. GlassCityGamer

    GlassCityGamer New Meeper

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    I appreciate the effort Sirrr_Pig, but sitting here at about day 5 of this ban, I see Onis has been replying to other ban appeals but not mine. So this reply is in hopes of "bump"ing it up to be recognized if he truely hasn't seen it, and with hopes of clarifying any misunderstandings if he did read my post. I am sincerely sorry for the overweight comment. It surely offended you and i was very wrong to do that. Its not right, and i wouldn't say it again in the same situation. But I still also believe you were out of line as as well that night, with your opinions of the Chinese. Meep is no place for these types of conversations as was seen by the entire chat being spammed with junk asking you to stop and blah blah blah for quite some time while you continued to make comments to fuel the rage in the room. If the average person would say this nobody would even notice. When an Admin makes a comment, everybody and their brother has something to say. See my point? I also believe the (perm) ban until appeal was a little on the harsh side. A day or so is very justifiable, but invoking a ban for appeal and then (i hope) accidentally looking over that appeal and not replying in a timely fashion is of poor management and a lack of communication. But again, I apologize to Onis for any harm caused by my words or actions, and I hope to be back on the Meep soon!
    UglyUnicorn likes this.
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    I do not ban people for unspecified for calling me fat. Please tell me what you actually did and do not lie.
  5. GlassCityGamer

    GlassCityGamer New Meeper

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    Ive explained what happened that night and the things that were said right before i was kicked. Also, for the record, I wasn't the person who called you fat. Someone else made that comment. I just made the comment of polluting stomachs with cheeseburgers. If there may be anything else it would be if i said something about you unjustly kicking another player that was arguing in the situation, but never cursing or being foul. The only foul comment was the fat one. Also, as Ive said before, some comments were wrong of me, but others were in justified defense of the Chinese people, and their culture. I won't apologize for that. So why was this ban set for "unspecified"? Do you not remember? Well besides these comments I don't believe there is much else I could have done on the server. I am not a donator and have all the fancy commands, I don't have much money at all.. (maybe 100k?), and I'm not even part of a town! I have a lil bunker in the wild and my enderchest and thats it! I am kind of disappointed I posted my appeal very promptly to see if my ban for those comments was going to be a couple days or what, and now its a week later and you aren't even sure why you banned me? I hope you can come to a conclusion on this ban in a timely and specified way. Sirrr_Pig may remember me, I have dealt with him a couple times and have never been any harm to this server. Again, sorry for the comments I made and the inconvenience I caused. Thank you for your time.
  6. GlassCityGamer

    GlassCityGamer New Meeper

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    Well I've tried, and a man can only take so much, so Onis_Luck... here goes nothin! First off I'd like to thank you for the time you've taken during the past week and a half while my ban appeal has been in effect, those 13 seconds have made a heck of a difference! I also have loved to write multiple long and descriptive paragraphs but only receive 1 reply, and have that reply not even be 1-line worth of text ,which pretty much amounted to "i don't know". It also feels good to know i pretty much get to just watch and wait until someone can remember why they banned me for "unspecified", or they would just rather sign on the forums and skim past my appeal to go actively comment on another post about some kids computer running 4000 frames per sec. Hmmm maybe the sarcasm is a little too much.... Alrite ill stop! Onis, I don't know you personally, but every impression I have of you points towards a dislike of how you handle things. I'm a grown man(over 25), and I've taken this appeal very seriously and you have done nothing but dodge it. Multiple appeals are accepted/denied every single day and my appeal has been stuck living on the bottom for a week and a half! Then yesterday you are active on the forums but make no communication on my appeal that lays in the appeal wasteland. If you haven't remembered why you've banned me by now, then your never going to. Maybe your memory serves you right because I didn't commit any serious offense! In the real world the prosecutor would of dropped this case a long time ago. Lack of evidence (or even an offense for that matter!) and mishandling paperwork are a couple of the reasons, if you were wondering. I've done no harm to anybody else on this server, so I have no regrets, and if you want to let this appeal sit here without notice and rot, dont worry, ill be fine on another server.

    (if this forum account gets banned and this is to be my last hoorah!.. its been nice playin with everyone! especially Sirrr_Pig, MrsMegan, catotronix,Jumbo, old townys back when i was a millionaire!, i could go on n on.. im gonna miss ya'll! Love Meep!)
  7. GlassCityGamer

    GlassCityGamer New Meeper

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    B....U....M....P.... can someone have Fuzzlr check this out?!? somebody/ANYBODY!
    Flamedemond likes this.
  8. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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