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Accepted Forum & Ingame Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Totally Not Tomrex1221, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. Totally Not Tomrex1221

    Totally Not Tomrex1221 Meeper

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    I apologize for my immature alt name it was my old joke account :/

    IGN: tomrex1221

    Date: N/A

    Reason: Ingame content, forum N/A, see below

    Ban Length: Perm & Perm.

    Staff Member(s): LexKristen (I believe) In-Game. Forums I'll assume it was Onis_Luck but it didn't say the name.

    Why to consider my appeal:


    I believe you should allow me back online because I believe with this economical change I can attempt to do something positive. My language precision has been lacking in the past and has had some correction. I was banned for speaking of borderline content. I saw it as saying it as a law and I believe it was interpreted as committing the crime or speaking of it. Either way it was language deemed inappropriate for the age range of the community. Having a past history of foul language I should've known better.

    This server I've met some great friends however most have moved on :/ so I'd appreciate to be allowed back on to contribute and hopefully meet some new friends.


    I believe I was banned for an argument with Coelho. Long story short, he said what I and VKL think doesn't matter. I have a temper and I admit I lost my cool and snapping was not necessary. I believe you should unban my forum account because besides this having a non presentable name, with my account I've created many threads and engaging conversations contributing to the community. When I was active on that account I was on the Notable Members list due to my large contribution. All of my work wasn't worth losing over a battle that wasn't even mine to fight.

    I always love to leave on a good note, I hope everyone enjoys there Easter/Passover Sunday, and I hope everyone had a well spent spring break or if you haves yours late like me that you look forward to your plans.

    - JTD IV
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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  3. Totally Not Tomrex1221

    Totally Not Tomrex1221 Meeper

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    Thank you, I hope you enjoy your day.
  4. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    If you use any language in the next 30 days that resulets in a 1 day tempban or up, its perm. You are now unbanned.
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