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Denied fawnmari0's ban appeal.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by fawnmari0, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. fawnmari0

    fawnmari0 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):fawnmari0
    Date/Time:It does not state, I was not on during the incident.
    Reason:It says I was banned for X-Ray by Jwarian but it was requested by bass_flow. I believe I should've been spoken too about this ban. I also believe they should put time because I do not know the time I am banned. I will and would never Xray on the server or cheat in any matter. I was never on during this incident and the only reason I am making this is because I would like to keep playing, aswell as me liking the server a lot. Proof should be provided and all of the staff should talk about it before handing out bans just like that. I have never turned on a hack at all in my life on MeepCraft nor would I ever. I would like to speak with whoever banned me because no proof was provided and I was told on the ban that I can appeal.
    Ban Length: N/A
    Staff Member: Jwarian (Requested by bass_flow)
    Why we should consider your appeal: I would never Xray or hack in any manner. I love the server a lot and I do not want to get banned off of it. I have no idea when I was banned or how long I am banned. The only reason I am making this appeal is because I love the server and want to continue playing on it with all of the other nice players, and some staff. I may have been banned yesterday but I did not and will not ever hack. If you need more information or evidence on what I was/am doing, just message me!
    Here is a pic to help why I should be unbanned, forge is my cousins modification called Pixelmon. It is like Pokemon but it is in minecraft:
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
    mrli1 likes this.
  2. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Hello fawnmari0 -

    Here is the evidence that bass_flow gave:

    After looking over this, I have come up with the conclusion that it does indeed look like x-raying. This is one of the most basic cases we are trained on what to look for, and this one hit all the check boxes for me. If you were not x-raying, could you explain how you magically dug straight down to 3 spawners?

    To me, that part does not make sense. You don't normally just get lucky like that 3 times in a row. Yes, you do get lucky sometimes, but digging practically straight down to them in one shot is a very rare chance, let alone 3 times, raises some red flags.

    nasapc123 likes this.
  3. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

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    There were also other mob spawner breaks which we can get evidence for, however 3 holes straight down to dungeons was enough.
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  4. fawnmari0

    fawnmari0 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ok, I understand. I admit to xraying but I was using chestfinder. I admit because I want to be unbanned from the server. I will never make this mistake and I won't hack either. If you need me banned for a month, so be it. I just wish I can rejoin with the community. I will record my whole minecraft and when I play if that is what it takes to be unbanned but I just want to continue playing meep. I understand what I have done was wrong and I am sorry for lying. I just want to keep playing, I promise that if my ban gets lowered, I will not hack anymore. I just love playing on the server and that is why I am making this. I do not break promises and if being slapped in the face 100 times or my ban just being lengthened but not permanent, I'm up for it. I am sorry for hacking and lying, I just want to keep playing the server :( I apologize to the community, staff, and owner, Really sorry!
    Videogames321 likes this.
  5. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Hello fawn, xray is a very serious case. As I'm sure you understand, it's usually not tempbannable. Due to the proof provided and your admittance, this appeal is denied. I would suggest appealing in a month or two for a chance at playing again.
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