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Doctapop's Staff Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by DoctaPop, Jul 25, 2014.

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  1. DoctaPop

    DoctaPop Well-Known Meeper

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    In Game Name: DoctaPop
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes- Tyler.Norwell
    Teamspeak Username: DoctaPop
    Mic use: Quite often
    Age: 14
    Timezone: EDT
    Hours online per weekday: about 5-8 hours
    Hours online per weekend: about 5-8 hours ^Only for summer
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod) Citizen to Helper

    Hey, I'm Tyler (DoctaPop) and I am a 14 year old boy from Florida, USA. I am a pc nerd, and I have been gaming since I was five years old. I have been playing Minecraft for roughly 3 years. I haven't really ever been a survival fan, but I have always had a strong love for PvP and strategic based games. The first server I ever joined was a small faction, which closed about 2 1/2 years ago. I joined a long time ago, but I recently came back on a new account in interest of playing in the CTF tournament.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    There are many reasons as I think I deserve to be a Helper on this server. I will just state them below with bullets points.

    • I have a lot of experience with being a staff member on other servers. The first server I got staff on was this factions server from about 3 years ago, which got about 70 players on average today. It went by the name of '***,' but I later stepped down as I did not like some of the other staff members. About 7 months later I became a moderator on my friends server, which was called '***,' and it got about 40 people a day on average. That server closed later as the owner went to college. More recently, I became a moderator on a server called '***.' I am still a moderator on ***, and I was recently promoted to a Sr Moderator. (About five days ago). The server gets around 500-700 players in the peak of the day, and gets around 200 at night. (After 12AM) I have been a leader in many school projects in the past, in which we have gotten reasonable grades on. From all this I have developed to be a better staff member and have better leadership skills.
    • I am on for what most people can consider a long time in the day, and I spend most of that time on Minecraft. That being said, it means I am a very active member of the community.
    • I get on Teamspeak quite often, so I like to interact with the community as much as possible.
    • I like to hold events on the server to bring people to together within the community, but it would also help bring in more players, which is never a bad thing.
    That is really I got to say for that...


    I can be quite immature on the Teamspeak some times.

    When school starts I will be less active, but I will still most likely be on every day.


    Thanks for reading my application, I hope you guys liked it! I hope I do become a Helper in the future. :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2014
  2. wesurvive2gether

    wesurvive2gether Popular Meeper

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    -1 Since you just came back give it some time to get to learn what has changed in the server. Give it a few months to be more active and well-known on forums/in game. The app could be longer but I do like that you added past experiences. I wish you luck and hope to see you online.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    It's important that the community knows you before you apply for staff. I'd try getting a lot more active, and apply again later. Also, making your app a lot longer would be good.
    -1, but good luck!
  4. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Grats on your first post!

    Lol no
  5. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Denied, one; you basically advertised in your application, which is a very bad thing. Secondly, you cannot be staff on another server whilst being staff here.

    I suggest you work on your in game and forums activity and helpfulness, as well as making sure you reread the rules.
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