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Disconnecting And Major Lag Issues

Discussion in 'Resolved/Denied' started by DrakeDarkfire, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. DrakeDarkfire

    DrakeDarkfire Popular Meeper

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    IGN(In Game Name): DrakeDarkfire/HaaVeeAir (we're brothers in the same household)
    Bug: From the moment we log on we can't do anything (including move) without getting reverted to the same state we were in when we logged on. If we move it rolls back, if we open a chest or type in chat it takes upwards to 3-5 minutes before the server responds with anything.
    Time/Date of Report: Just tried to log on at around 3:00 pm EST on 7/25/14 and started having that problem
    Steps to reproduce: I've verified my internet connection has proper speeds (23 ms ping 60Mbps down 40 Mbps up). In order to ensure its not a computer/localized network issue I've also moved us individually to a mobile hotspot (completely different internet connection) but the issues are the same making it seem its a server lag and/or our accounts on the server issue.
    Evidence: Kinda difficult to prove evidence of lagging (except video evidence) but if necessary I will gladly provide it.
    iiwars likes this.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    What server did you log out of?
  3. DrakeDarkfire

    DrakeDarkfire Popular Meeper

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    The skyblock server on both. Been trying to get on and stay on so I left my minecraft there running in case it decides to work at some point

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