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Denied Dduck220 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by dduck220, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. dduck220

    dduck220 New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): dduck220
    When you were banned: July 8th 2014
    Reason: extreme hate language via /msg
    Ban Length: 7 days I believe
    Staff Member: flamedemond2
    Why we should consider your appeal: I know I was really mean and cursed and stuff like that to flamedemond, and I just want to explain and hopefully get unbanned because I play on this server almost daily and hate being banned. I was fighting this dude with god armor and when he had like 2 hits until he died, flamedemond jumped in, stole the kill, and killed me taking all the stuff. I apologize for overreacting, I shouldn't have cursed or even msged him in the first place, it was just in the moment and I really wanted the armor. If you could please unban me Ill msg flame saying sorry and won't do it again, Ill just log off and chill out for a little. Thank you for your consideration.
    lfpnub likes this.
  2. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    Listen. I'm the one who killed him and I know that for a fact. When I jumped in, I had no kills. When I killed you, I had 2 kills, which means I killed someone else in that time and when I jumped in for the diamond guy, I killed him, getting me 1 kill, then I chased you to kill you for that armour and then I killed you, which gave me 2 kills. Also, if he was 2 hits left, why'd it take me 3 hits with my god sword to kill him?

    I don't care if you'll never do it again. You did it this time, I said multiple times to stop, I said my brother was watching and was gonna ban you and you didn't care, or in your exact words "i dont give a s***" so why would you care now.

    Also, if you play on the server everyday, you should know the rules well enough to know not to swear at all.

    Lastly, it's a game. Since you completely overreacted over a game, you should take a break from it, and trust me, you really need it. If this makes you swear constantly and then rage at me then be like "he just wanted me banned cause i was wrecking him in pvp" then honestly, you shouldn't play it.

    I'll upload the pictures for staffs sake so that they don't need to look through h/e:



    Honestly dduck, if I saw you cursing anyone out like that, and harassing them "u 2 year old" "u loser" "u b****" and so on, I would think it deserves perm.

    There's 2 rules you just broke. You're lucky it's not perm, and as my brother said, you overreacting is an understatement. You did much more then "overreacted". Think of it this way: If you aren't comfortable with your parents seeing it, don't say it. It won't apply in all cases, but this. If they had to see it, what do you think they'd do?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  3. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    Warning!!! Extreme language!!

    That is the proof to your ban. I literally watched you curse out my brother while watching him play. He told you you to stop, and mentioned the consequences. You replied with that you didn't care and that you were going to continue cursing him out. There was no sympathy shown, and saying you "overreacted" is an understatement. Also, whether you apologize or not should not be something that is only done if unbanned, but something that should be done regardless of the outcome simply because of what you said. If you have anything to say to this, please go ahead.
    JumboAce and SirCallow like this.
  4. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Flame, he wasn't disagreeing that you killed him. He said that when he got him down to little health, you jumped in and stole the kill.. I think? Anyways, either way, this does not warrant that type of language.
    SirCallow likes this.
  5. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    I know. He said that he got the kill (if you look at screenies) so I'm explaining to him how I got 2 kills and one was the diamond guy
    Cascade1324 and SirCallow like this.
  6. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm denying this. You have a very extensive ban history and you should know such language is unacceptable.
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