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Continue here about guns.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by KlutchDecals, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Starting this thread because I dont want to hijack the other one. Ill continue from the conversation about children getting guns.

    Its really never a kids fault if their parents didnt teach them, or learn through maturity. Most kids think guns are toys because thats all they're introduced to. Toy guns, Nerf, Videogames, Ect. Its really sad.

    I HATE this video because its extremely bias and anti-gun, but it does show a good example of firearms with kids and the "You cant teach the curiosity out of a child" ideology. Worth a watch even though its long.
    Video: What Young Kids Do With Guns When Parents Aren't Around

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    Marshy_88, NotRyqn, SuperDyl and 8 others like this.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    The best thing to do is teach your kids about guns, when they have no idea what to do with it can end very badly as we all seen in the news, I blame the parents for this.
  3. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    I was taught at a very young age how to handle guns I was about 8 when my dad signed me up for a hunters safety course because my little brother was just born and living in a house with guns he taught me safety very early on. Blaming a child on accidents that happen in a home where the parents are negligent on protecting their weapons is ridiculous.
    NotRyqn, SuperDyl, boombox123 and 4 others like this.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I think guns are alright. Should be common sense regulation preventing people with a violent criminal background, and mental illness issues from getting one. I think people who own them should have them registered, and be able to complete a basic proficiency test.
  5. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    i agree.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  6. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Completely disagree haha. Let me explain why first.
    Registration leads to confiscation. (they've already started door to door confiscation btw) No one needs to know what guns I have. Theirs also no reason for this. Guns are so plentiful and all the ones out there wouldn't be registered. Anyone using one in a crime wouldn't register it, Nor would it matter until they use it in a crime. So realistically, that will do nothing to help prevent crime.
    The only time a gun currently needs to be registered is certain weapons. Full-auto machine guns, SBRs, suppressors, ect. You just regester those with the NFA.

    We already have plenty of common sense regulation. Theirs really not much you can do with paper and history.

    As far as the basic proficiency test. That I 100% agree with. I would LOVE to see this put into effect, but I think It needs to be cheap. All the gun courses I took after the academy was about $200-400 a pop. Theyre really not cheap at the moment, and you shouldn't need to pay that high of a price to defend yourself.
    NotRyqn, SuperDyl, Klitch and 6 others like this.
  7. Homer455

    Homer455 Celebrity Meeper

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    I have a Ruger SR9 which has a 4.14 in. barrel. which I guess is illegal since the Canadian Firearm Act restricts the following firearms;

    • A handgun with a barrel length of 105 mm or less, or designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 caliber cartridge
    • A rifle or shotgun that has been changed to make it less than 660 mm in overall length;
    • A rifle or shotgun that has been changed to make it 660 mm or more in overall length, with a barrel less than 457 mm in length;
    • An automatic firearm or a converted automatic firearm;
    • Any firearm prescribed under the Criminal Code regulations to be prohibited.
    Sorry, I just had to post this.
    KyloMeep and Adrian like this.
  8. Qaws

    Qaws Popular Meeper

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    I don't mean to just like leave a two word comment and leave, but triggerlocks cost like $15 and that *could* be a start in preventing a lot of these problems with kids shooting their heads off
    Ranger0203, Muunkee and Adrian like this.
  9. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    I'm not very familiar with Canadian law but yes, it seems as if its illegal haha. Is that illegal if its from factory or only if you customize it?

    I HATE Trigger locks haha. They're a pain to use and by the time you run and get your key and fumble to unlock it, ugh.
    Like I said, If you dont mind and you're not worried about that, its certainly a good idea. A few of my guns i rarely use have mag well locks. They're not for defense so I have no reason to have them loaded.
    NotRyqn, SuperDyl and Ranger0203 like this.
  10. Homer455

    Homer455 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sadly, due to the strict Firearms Act that hasn't been updated since the 1700's (sarcasm) both from the factory, and customized are banned.

    M-16's on the other hand, from what I've heard; some people have been arrested for upto 6 months because ANY type of M-16 is banned here, which I am pretty sure includes toys.
  11. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Thats insanee! Does this go for any armalite rifle? M4, ar-15, ar-10, ect?
    SuperDyl, _Gimble_1. and Ranger0203 like this.
  12. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Canada heard it was nerf or nothing. They chose nothing
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Kids shouldnt have a toy gun til theyre old enough to understand and respect an actual gun
    Stricter gun laws will do literally nothing to help shootings and killings other than make it harder for you to protect yourself [idek why this logic even makes sense to some people]
    I want a gun and am 100% gonna carry one whenever Im able to legally. Cause Id rather die on my feet than on my knees begging for frickin mercy
  14. Homer455

    Homer455 Celebrity Meeper

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    This will sound crazy but, no. As of right now, the guns mentioned above are fully legal in Canada on ONE condition, you can only have a 5 round mag available with you at all times. Very surprised that the M-16 is completely shunned out of Canada.
  15. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Most Anti-Gun thinking comes from the lack of personal experience with a gun. For example, "I don't have a gun, so I don't see why ANYONE needs a gun". Another place to point to is Britain, where there are virtually no guns and as a result have very low gun violence rates. While there is still the group that has arguments like "guns are bad" and "if we take away guns nobody will get shot", I would hope that theres not a whole lot of people left who are dumb enough to accept this kind of thinking as their basis for being anti-gun.
    Acoustic Kitty likes this.
  16. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Please highlight when they've done door to door confiscation. Overall it seems a bit ridiculous to require yearly registration and several year re-testing of competency when it involves operating a thousand pound plus metal vehicle, but not a tool designed to kill / injure another entity. To be objective you must admit guns are designed for mostly a singular purpose, while they can be used for target shooting, etc, their primary function, as proven by history, is to kill things, whether that is animals or people.

    Gun violence isn't just from having guns, lots of other factors lead into gun violence. To solve the violence you must solve the underlying problems that cause this, such as poverty, lack of upward mobility, and other factors that prompt somebody to use a gun in a crime.

    But the main issue with the gun control debate is both sides are absolutely insane and unwilling to compromise. Liberals go after soundbite policy like banning things that ultimately have no affect, and conservatives go to insane lengths to prevent this which opens up another series of issues. I see the unwillingness to register seems to be in hostility or expectation of the government to come after them, which I actually get, it's my main opposition of the stop and frisk debate.
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  17. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Also in response to the group that believes that reducing the number of guns in circulation reduces gun crime, they're absolutely correct. Take for example, Australia. After their government rounded up and destroyed most guns in the hands of their citizens, they saw gun crime plummet to an all time low. Sounds like a pretty good anti-gun argument right? Well, the groups that are backing australia's gun laws conveniently leave out one detail. Since the destruction of guns in Australia, their overall homicide rates actually increased, with knives being the weapon of choice. The result? Now they have deranged maniacs running around with knives, and, unless you're a master in the art of hand to hand combat, you have no reliable method of self-protection.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 3, 2016 ---
    The main issue with registration is that it has very little value in helping to prevent crime, all while opening the doors to confiscation should the decision be made that certain guns are "too dangerous" and must be confiscated and destroyed. The one thing that could be done by registration would be that if someone had their gun stolen and then recovered by police, the owner could be identified by a serial number.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  18. Homer455

    Homer455 Celebrity Meeper

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    No offence but, I am glad I don't have to feel like my school will get shot up everyday.
    Draqq likes this.
  19. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Guns are stupid, but America is too far in to do anything about it now
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So the concern is the government is going to completely erase the 2nd amendment when we all go to sleep? I'm confused on the merit of sudden confiscation, because changing and repealing an amendment takes far more cohesion than our government currently has. In a society where confiscation is a possibility, wouldn't this be mandated by the majority voters? Is that not democracy?
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 3, 2016 ---
    Living in a society, like the UK, that has been consistency eroding the principles of free speech is stupid. America has a last defense guaranteeing our rights such as freedom of speech, press, and many others.

    Guns are the only tool for removing a government that no longer serves and represents our people. (Not Trump loses so I'm grabbing my shotgun like many ignorant people are saying)
    Ranger0203 likes this.

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