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Brookwood - Gamma Towny World

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by _Gimble_1., Aug 31, 2016.

  1. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    #4 town founded on Gamma

    The History of Brookwood
    Brookwood is a small town (compared to Gamma that is...) that was co-founded by myself and @AmericaBabyYeah in late August. The town is situated on a small river in the middle of a plains biome that we working on leveling at the moment.

    Town Staff
    Brookwood has a small experienced staff to help out any player who is looking for a nice little place to sit down and rest. I am the town mayor while @AmericaBabyYeah is my co-mayor. @trdavis25 and @Homer455 are our two assistants who do a marvelous job with helping out.

    Brookwood at the time of writing this has 24 residents. We are always open to anybody wanting to join us for a nice quiet town to build a residence.

    Currently Brookwood has a tax of less than 100 meebles a day. We have this tax in place so we can pay the town tax to keep Brookwood thriving. If you are struggling with making money, voting with /vote will always yield at least 8000 meebles and possibly more if you are lucky.

    Town Layout
    At the moment, when you warp into Brookwood (/t spawn Brookwood), you will emerge in the town spawn built by @Homer455. In the basement, there is a free level 30 enchanting table. When you leave the town spawn, to your right you will find the town farm. To your left, there are player houses. Straight down the road, you will see a large dark oak and regular oak house which is the residence that @AmericaBabyYeah and I share. Behind that house is a double story house that belongs to @Homer455. Near our houses is a large 4 plot L shaped mansion that belongs to @Silente2.

    Town Plans
    At the moment, the Brookwood staff is working on figuring out where to build many new attractions. Some of these attractions we hope to build are:
    -A town market that will be accessible by everyone
    -A town casino that will have unique games
    -A town park where you can go sit when you are AFK.

    If anyone would like to join, we are an open town. If you would like to look around, I encourage all of you to do /t spawn Brookwood and take a gander. Happy Meeping and best wishes!


    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 2, 2016, Original Post Date: Aug 31, 2016 ---
    We now have a zombie grinder set up at our town outpost and are in the process of making a villager trading center that will be open to the public in the near future if we can figure out how to prevent curing zombie villagers from despawning. ​
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 8, 2016 ---
    Update #2:
    Brookwood now has a functional blaze grinder that will soon be opened for public usage and we have figured out how to prevent zombie villagers from despawning so we will continue to cure them until we have a sizeable amount that we can use to open a villager trading center. We are also now a Metropolis.​

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