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Boss3st's Staff Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by boss3st, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. boss3st

    boss3st Popular Meeper

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    ign: boss3st
    age: 14
    teamspeak: sometimes

    hello, i am boss3st. you probably havent heard of me because i dont chat too often. i know that is a bad quality, but i have begun trying to become "more popular".

    Good things: so good traits i have that can help me are the fact that i have never donated in any server cause i broke so i know what its like when people who have donated think that they are better than you and it sucks. so i would be useful for those people who are in that predicamind. another good trait is i dont trust anybody i dont know irl. i know it seems bad , but in this case it is good because any random person can say somebody scammed them and be lying. so i would get the correct facts. also i do have a slow temper when it comes to these things so i wouldnt just say "ok im kicking you" just to get it over with. i am very active on the server, specifically skyblock. my time zone is arizona, us

    Hours I Play: weekends 2-3 hours weekdays 1-2 hours (its this short because school is coming up)

    bad things : the main bad thing is that my internet is very slow and i get connection lost a lot and on parkour i get nonstop lag. i am very competetive and sometimes if i get completely destroyed in a game i think that person is hacking, sometimes they are and sometimes they arent. also im not as smart as the other people because im barely going into 9th grade this year.

    so please consider making me a helper on meepcraft.
  2. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Toostenheimer likes this.

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