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Denied Blackbeltdude2nd

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Blackbeltdude2nd, Mar 30, 2015.

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  1. Blackbeltdude2nd

    Blackbeltdude2nd New Meeper

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    Member Name Blackbeltdude2nd

    Additional In Game Names: Blackbeltdude42 (my main one) and GRD

    When you were banned: From any where from 5-8 months ago

    Reason for ban: Luring/Scamming

    Ban Length: Perm

    Staff member who issued ban: Flamedemond2 (I think)

    Why we should consider your appeal: I have matured a lot. I have played many other servers lately (nothing like meep), and I have a good repetition and have made lots of new friends. I think I am ready to be unban because I do NOT at all to plan to lure or scam. VKL (which is now unbanned) and I have the top bans. I know the name Blackbeltdude42 is now a bad name in the meep community, but I am ready to change that. I am truly sorry for being an idiot in my time of playing on meep. I came on not to long ago on my account (GRD) just to say hi to a couple of people. I talked to DianaB and even said it was Blackbeltdude42 (I even said I wasn't playing the server, I was just there to say hi). Just going on that day made me think why scam, lure, or alt? This server is flipping amazing. Yes, the GRD account did get banned after that short time of being on (I knew it was going to happen, it was no surprise). Again I am sorry to the meepcraft community and to everyone I lured/scammed. I really think I have matured and I am ready to come back. Hope you understand that I am sorry.

    Blackbelt :)

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  2. Blackbeltdude2nd

    Blackbeltdude2nd New Meeper

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    Iate2 I know what she said. That was months ago. I understood that I failed. All I can do is say sorry.
    metr0n0me and Toostenheimer like this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So, in MeepNetworks, you were actually a pretty infamous lurer, and this trait seemed to continue here.

    This is your 6th luring offense ban.

    This is denied because of your extensive history with this rule violation, and very little confidence on this end it'll change.
    Iatemyfriends likes this.
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