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Accepted Banned

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by 18no, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. 18no

    18no Meeper

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    2014-04-23_15.25.27.png 2014-04-23_15.21.50.png 2014-04-23_15.21.48.png 2014-04-23_15.21.44.png 2014-04-23_14.59.44.png 2014-04-23_14.30.28.png

    Date/Time: 3:55 PM EST
    Reason: Pvp hacks
    Ban Length: 7 days
    Staff Member: Monkeyhead1999
    Why we should consider your appeal:

    Because I dont hack, and I have more than enough proof, I have been accused by many but here is my story. I play factions a lot, on another server which I wont name but has thousands of people on it, and am in the best faction being one of the main pvpers, I have been playing minecraft since it was first released, and started pvping right as I found out about servers. I use the strafing technique when I pvp, which is jumping from side to side of the person and going thru them. With that knowledge given, I get that I hack a lot because I jump to the side of them and hit them. I have been told by monkey that he/she has proof that I hack with a video, he/she will post it on this thread apparently. To anyone that knows about hacked clients they vary in a couple different ways, some are built around a hub system directly on your screen, others enter commands such as .help or -help to move around the client. I have screenshots of my POV, not in f1 so you would be able to see the hub, I had said -help and .help in chat to prove that it isnt that hacked client, I even went into my settings and screenshotted where is would have a button to turn off the hacked client, and the button isnt there. If there is anything else I can do to prove my innocence please tell me, just because I am good at pvp doesnt mean I hack. My initial wanting to join this server was from realmcraft, with what has been happening I thought I would check it out, and when I started playing towny in the town salad, then to earn some meables I got on kitpvp to get some kills.

    And as an addition, I have no proof to back this up besides it being there, I am running the magic launcher
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 23, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 23, 2014 ---
    I can also join the TS to talk to anyone who thinks I hack

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  2. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    I will look into this and get back to you shortly.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Here are two of the videos against you.
    How are you hitting me and not looking at me?
    I'll upload a third soon.
  4. 18no

    18no Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Oh hey lex, I somewhat finished my house
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Here's the third video :
  6. 18no

    18no Meeper

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    There is big flaws in every video, in the first one she is killed from behind, she goes forwards not backwards. The second one she is not only hit by me there are others and you can see me occasionally swinging at nothing which would not happen with hacks, and on the third one she wouldnt have been able to sneak up on my from behind near the end if I hacked. Every time I see a problem with you getting hit with me not facing you there is other people. On top of that the server has been really laggy with registering hits, so thats a thing.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 23, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 23, 2014 ---
    And I am not sure if when you typed 12no please stop, if that was directed towards me
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    How about the third video where you hit a person that's by himself without looking?
  8. 18no

    18no Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Have you ever heard of a teammate missing and hitting the other person, there isnt something to prevent a teammate from hitting him. This is not a good ban. You can see in the second to last screenshot you asking me to stop, and when you look at my screen there is no hacks
  9. kevman967

    kevman967 Popular Meeper

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    Here are some facts:

    1) There is no such hack that hits an enemy without you to be looking at them.

    2) He was FAR from using kill aura on these videos. I really would get into more technical details, but I fear getting banned.

    3) He did not hit the nearest player near him (which was behind) in most of the cases, which is not how killaura works.
    18no, Klitch and Fangdragon1998 like this.
  10. 18no

    18no Meeper

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    Not sure how to delete this thread, unbanned. Thank you fuzzlr!
    Dem0Gorgon likes this.
  11. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I'll move this to the accepted.
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