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Denied Banappeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by MasterCoD124, Jun 4, 2014.

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  1. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    IGN: MasterCoD124
    Staff: Cooleysworld
    Time: 15 Min ago
    Reason: appeal on forums see cooley

    This started a few weeks ago when Crusher_11 asked me if I could hack/get banned a small group of players. At first I said no because of the rule breaking and the fact that I would be using someone else's mc account, but then he offered me a large sum of in-game money if one of the jobs was done correctly (around 6.5 mil) eventually after two days of me working on this job I given up I told him I did not want to do this anymore. He said that was fine but he wanted me to other jobs that would involve in getting in-game money so that I could pay for the outpost or plot of land that he wanted me to work on.
    I paid him some of my in-game money so that I could keep the plot up and so that I could stay assistant in the town. He also wanted me to get more people to help out with these "jobs" that never really took place. Then I had his "so called brother" (Blackbeltdude42) constantly asking me if I could do some other job for him that he never told me what it was. Then eventually (this is today) Blackbeltdude42 asked if he could kill me so he could have my in-game head so he could put it in the town, and I told him no maybe another time and a few minutes after that happened he apparently modreq and told (on the modreq) about this business that me and Crusher_11 was doing. A few minutes later Crusher_11 messaged me in game and said "a mod is at your base" and I went there to see blackbeltdude42 and cooleysworld there. 10-15 minutes later and for some reason I wasn't being told anything and random players were there swell as extra mods. Soon enough cooley told them all to leave and then he asked me what was happening, I told him a small amount of what is on this appeal now. I soon told cooley that I had to leave for 10 minutes and when I returned I was banned. PS we had those books that he wanted us to do "jobs" in and he written everything in the screenshots.
    2014-05-26_17.36.38.png 2014-05-26_18.23.51.png 2014-05-26_18.23.51.png
  2. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm directly involved, so please don't delete this. First off, your appeal is crap. You came to me about your little "group." You said you are recreating your old meep "group" that framed people to get them banned. I played along with your crap planning to report it when you actually did something. I know that n00bslayer was banned because you hired him to dice scam someone. Black reported you today because he said he was tired of your crap. I back his decision. Second off, I do not have 6.5 mil. So, your excuse for getting banned is pretty poor. I say we get n00bslayer on here and I'm positive he can aid in explaining WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.
  3. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    You said we would get over 12 mil from taking money from GIGAWATTS's account and said that we would split it so we would get about 6.5mil each
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 4, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 4, 2014 ---
    And your the one Crusher that wanted that account hacked in the first place and you were the one that asked first
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 4, 2014 ---
    and I foolishly accepted the job
  4. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    Sure... Sure... Yeah I totally said that:) Ya know cause I just have huge problems with appearently "GIGAWATTS" and "marshallmafers"
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 4, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 4, 2014 ---
    You deny a lot. Why don't you explain what your group "really was." And what you did on old meep and why you hired n00bslayer to scam for you on new meep
    Blackbeltdude42 likes this.
  5. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    Plus I am not going to make some huge fuss over a minecraft server as I don't have any major ban history and I would think that me, Crusher and anyone else that got banned will be given a second chance
  6. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    Well, I do have a history. I gave 100% to play right in this time. I didn't do any of the crap you're saying. And, why in the blank would black and I report ourselves if we did what you say "for the group."
  7. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    I would also like to add that anything I said about old meep was meant to be a joke I did try and say that but you would not listen. But the fact that you came out of the blue and asked me to hack, steal and get people banned was your wrong doing.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  8. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    That's bull. You were dead serious about what you did in old Meep. I did the right thing by playing along a bit, then black and I reporting you. You are directly lying. If I stay banned for doing the right thing, then Meep really is dead like people say.

    Also, n00bslayer (that you hired as your "dice scammer") getting a ban for dice scam proves that he really did it. You know what you did.
  9. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    I don't know anything about n00bslayer other than he wanted to join because of you, I did not tell him to do any dice scamming what so ever, and also that you were the one that wanted these jobs done and you offered me pay for them.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 5, 2014 ---
    and yeah you do because you told me with GIGAWATTS that "me and him have history"
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  10. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    Well, I think the book that black gave to cooleys that specifically says "n00bslayer is my dice scammer" written by you says otherwise. Also, I did not ask you to do any of your "jobs." You were the one asking me if I could do "jobs" and get "recruits."
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014 ---
    N00bslayer said the same thing I did. Also, I forgot to mention staff that a guy by the name of "ELF67" (I think, he just got exclusive a few days ago, was also working for mastercod).
  11. Blackbeltdude42

    Blackbeltdude42 Popular Meeper

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    Master c o d

    I am his brother. Tells how wise you are. :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 5, 2014 ---
    And I am involved!
  12. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    How wise I am? I can tell both of you are quite angry as of the fact that you keep using ":)" and using bad language. So I don't think it is going to help you both in this situation
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014 ---
    and I didn't tell n00bslayer to do any jobs (other than keep an eye on a loan for me) all I asked him was at the start was what was he good at and he said "scamming people for money" so I put that in the book, and also elf had not done anything that would break the rules of the server.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014 ---
    and Crusher do not deny the fact that you were going to pay me to get those players banned because I did not ask for that it was you.
    (and I did not say "n00bslayer is MY dice scammer")
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014 ---
    also I think you should watch your language.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014 ---
    By the way blackbeltdude42 did not do anything illegal or something that would break the rules as far as I know and had very little to do with this.
    Videogames321 and marshallmafers like this.
  13. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    Can I just say that in the last screenie crusher says "Erase the books after you read them"
    Now we can start off with this.
    Crusher, if Cod was the supposed one who wanted to do this and recreate it why would you say that? I mean I don't see a logical answer for you to say that other than you coming up with it.
    Also, Cod did have a group in the past, I very clearly remember almost being played by your friends.
    Khafra likes this.
  14. TheUnknown000

    TheUnknown000 Popular Meeper

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    i think nerf is right...
    but seeing as im not well know i think my opinion doesnt matter so much :p
  15. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Most if not all of the things I mentioned to crusher about old keep was a joke as I said and a lot of it I made up off the top of my head. Anything I told him never really happened
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 5, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 5, 2014 ---
    and something about a "group" in old meep I am actually quite unaware about, However I was in a privet town in old meep if you misunderstood (the town was called Cardiff)
  16. Blackbeltdude42

    Blackbeltdude42 Popular Meeper

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    Such a lier! You were not joking!
  17. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Pfft, mastercod's statements keep changing.
  18. Blackbeltdude42

    Blackbeltdude42 Popular Meeper

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  19. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    N00bslayer didn't think Master was "joking" either.
    Blackbeltdude42 likes this.
  20. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    I was not directly involved. Yet I have studied the screenshots and despite crusher saying to erase the books, it seems to me that COD wrote them. If it was a book written by crusher there would be no sign option in the bottom. Also in COD's inventory he has a book and quill selected.
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