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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by bman11001, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. bman11001

    bman11001 New Meeper

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    IGN: lambie11002
    When you were banned:Tuesday, August 26, 2014. At 4:35pm
    Reason: Greifing 29k
    Ban Length: 2 days (Until August 28)
    Staff Member: rAwsondayc
    Why we should consider your appeal: You should consider my appeal because i stole heads at a town spawn that didn't have perms set right. I stole about 30k's worth. I returned all of the heads I stole. So i don't think i should have been temped for this long maybe 6 hours if anything. Please consider my appeal. Thank You.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  2. _Chef_Carrott_

    _Chef_Carrott_ Popular Meeper

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    1. Griefing/Stealing

    You may not alter any building, plot, or town that does not belong to you without consent. The alterations include but are not limited to:
    • Placing or destroying blocks (heads being blocks)
    • Taking items from any container (This is where the heads where stored on a wall)
    • Placing or dropping any unwanted items in hoppers
    • Spawning unwanted animals or mobs
    • Claiming a plot without the consent of the mayor (Unless otherwise stated in the town rules)
    • Using your Mayor or Assistant powers to commit any crime
    • Breaking blocks on your plot, making it look unpleasant before leaving the town
    If you decide to leave a town and/or the server, you must leave your plot the way you received it unless you receive the consent of the mayor to do otherwise.

    Jut because they didn't have perm set right doesn't mean you can steal them or destroy. You may not alter any building, plot, or town that does not belong to you without consent.
  3. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    im missing heads s
  4. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    Denied. Even if the plot permissions let you, it is against the rules to take, destroy, or build on anything that isn't yours (unless you are in the Wild) unless the owner says you can. Please make sure to read the rules here before going back in-game! http://meepcraft.com/forums/rules.27/
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