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Denied Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Neil_WW, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Neil_WW
    Date/Time: A few days ago
    Reason: Alt to TeddyBear_DK (he stole from hornemans)
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Diana
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    I fell so bad, the first day after I stole from Hornemans. But I could't tell him it, because I was too scared to tell it to him. If I did tell him will I not know how he do after. The worst thing is that I never said sorry to him, because I never steal. Why should I steal? I was just not myself that day. But I learned it, now am I banned from the server, and I wish it never happened. If I did tell him, will I give him 3x so much that I took or more. I'm bored every that because MeepCraft is like a part of my day. I fell so bad that I did it, it doesn't looks like me to do it. I want to come back, do what I do... Be a nice person.

    Sorry Hornemans......
    HazTheMan99 and zachforfun123 like this.
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Hi Neil,

    I really appreciate the apology. Unfortunately, punishments are there for a reason - as a consequence to an illegal action. I have seen others appeal again after a month or two and get accepted. You might think about waiting this out for a while.
    MeepStats likes this.
  3. Gunner

    Gunner Active Meeper

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    Yup Neil no alts allowed :p
  4. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    Hello Neil_WW,
    I understand that this was a mistake but this was a very serious infraction. As stated above by Diana, I have seen others appeal again after a month or two and get accepted. This is denied at this moment in time.
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