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Denied Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by aleksandr, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. aleksandr

    aleksandr New Meeper

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    IGN: Aleks526
    Date/Time: 3 Jan 2014/ 10:15am EST
    Reason: Sexual Content
    Ban Length: 3 days
    Staff Member: DevilSpawn112

    Why you should consider this appeal: I am writing on behalf of my 7 yr old son, who plays on your server. I would like to know what kind of sexual content a 7 yr old could possibly be using, mostly so that I can talk to him about it. Also, he has been kicked from the server multiple times for flying, so if you have somewhere that lists your ban/kick offenses and possible picture examples, that would be great if you could share that with me. I will check this thread at least daily, or you can email me at the email address associated with this account or at [email protected]. Thank you for your help in this matter.

    Charles Barringer
    Nager2012 likes this.
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Hi Charles, This is the screenshot I took when issuing the tempban.

    Attached Files:

  3. aleksandr

    aleksandr New Meeper

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    Thank you on that. Please dont unban him. It will serve as part of the punishment for him to go without it for 3 days. However, do you have anywhere that talks about or shows this flying thing he keeps getting kicked for? I looked through the rules section of the forums and was unable to find anything on it. Thank you for the help!!!
  4. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    The flying thing is a minor glitch with the software Minecraft servers run on. Occasionally, the server and client will disagree on the position of the player; sometimes this will result in the player appearing to "fly" when processed by the server. Some potential causes include lag from either the client or the server, or sometimes if the player is stuck in a block.

    The kick is automatic, and isn't necessarily preventable. It happens to everyone, and is normally a relatively rare occurrence. It's not the fault of anything your son is doing.
    DevilSpawn112 likes this.
  5. aleksandr

    aleksandr New Meeper

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    Ok, and once again thanks for the help! He loves playing on your server, and I just wanna make sure he doesnt accidentally do anything to get banned, and I will talk to him about what he said because he also had no reason to say it, I'm sure. I also happened to find where he got frapped by someone for Ladder Camping, and was banned for a day previously I believe. I showed him the video on your forums that the person posted and informed him that he cant do that and if he does it again, he will probably get in worse trouble. Thank you all for your quick help in this matter, you seem to be a very good community and I'm glad my son found your server!
  6. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Thank you for understand and correcting this! We appreciate the cooperation! We are glad to have him as part of the server!
  7. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, I will move the appeal to denied now.
    DevilSpawn112 likes this.
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