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Denied AtlasSpace's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by AtlasSpace, Oct 17, 2013.

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  1. AtlasSpace

    AtlasSpace Active Meeper

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    IGN: AtlasSpace
    Date/Time: 10/16/13
    Reason: Sexual Reference/spam msging someone
    Ban Length: Forever
    Staff Member: MrHollywoot
    Why we should consider your appeal: I was just angry at BlueGirl, she wouldn't go in the terrarium, so I just raged at her. I feel really bad and I didn't mean to spam at BlueGirl, so I am sorry.
  2. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    I have seen you break the rules quite often. You knew the rules, but yet you continued to break them. Sexual content is one of the most extreme rules we upkeep.
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