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Application For Epick8

Discussion in 'Denied' started by epick8, Apr 27, 2014.

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  1. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: EpicK8

    Skype Username: crogkiller

    Teamspeak Username: EpicK8

    Mic use: Extremely Frequent

    Age: 17

    Timezone: EST

    Hours online per weekday:3-5

    Hours online per weekend: 10+

    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod)



    Hello my name is EpicK8. I live in New York City and I am on my school’s varsity football team. My true passions are football and gaming. I know this seems like a huge contradiction, but I love doing both. I have volunteered my time for many years at the Salvation Army and I love learning new things. I go to one of the most widely known school, Stuyvesant High School (adults love to brag about their kids going here in New York :p). Stuyvesant is an extremely tough academic school and it can be very time consuming, but I do appreciate how well they prepare us for college.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    I associate with staff a lot, through teamspeak and in game. Being around all of these staff members for so long and for extended periods of time, I’ve gained a lot of insight on the position and I know what it means to be staff now. I live in salad and there is also a new town being built that I am co-owner of that is an extension of Salad. This is an example of how people trust me in general and should say a lot about my character. It also says that I’m around citizens a lot and have the patience for their questions. In my old community, I was chosen to moderate a lot of events planned out, which speaks also towards how much people trusted me. I was captain of my school’s JV football team a year ago, so I know what it means to be an example and what leadership means.


    Cursing in teamspeak can be an issue sometimes. It is out of habit, and I am working to change it. In-game and on the forums I don’t use profane language, it just slips out sometimes in teamspeak.

    Forum activity is also a bit of a weakness. I read a lot of the posts, but I don’t always comment or reply to them unless they are relevant to my opinions or something I am passionate about.


    In conclusion, I believe I am ready to take on this position. A lot of things qualify me for this, including the fact that I do a lot of things in real life act as preparation for the responsibilities of Helper. I am ready and willing to help the server if I am given the opportunity.
    Ktkadabbler likes this.
  2. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    This may be a bit complicated as you are still going through a chargeback thingy. But, I will give you that you are active and helpful. +1 from mrli.
  3. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

    Likes Received:
    This application was very lacking. You need to elaborate on your skills and how they will benefit the community. All you talked about was being around staff and being trusted with a co-mayor position and other stuff. While trust is great, it's not enough to earn a staff position. Many upon many people can be trusted. You need to talk about what makes you unique from others, and how you're able to use your skills.
    Your weaknesses basically said "I do this, but it's okay because I also do this". It doesn't really help much at all.

    From this application, I only see that you are not ready for a staffing position. -1
  4. the_sexy_ninja

    the_sexy_ninja Popular Meeper

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    Yes please, +1.

    He knows his stuff.
  5. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I've been waiting this for a long time !!!
    -Very Active in forums ,ts and in game
    -Well you helped me become a betterrrr person....
    -You fit as a staff :)
  6. mistressmacabre

    mistressmacabre Popular Meeper

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    I was pleasantly surprised to see this. I read your application, and I will agree with others that it is lacking. So, as well as the app, I will take what I know of you personally to illustrate what I believe to be your strengths and faults.
    Independent- You will not need the constant push from higher staff to keep you on your toes. You will do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.
    Drive- You are incredibly motivated to do what is best for the server.
    Assertive- You have the ability to address issues and articulate your opinion on them strongly without coming off as aggressive
    Tough skinned- This is an often overlooked quality that I like in staff. You are incredibly thick skinned and are able to take criticism without being offended.
    Quick study- You are naturally intelligent and pick things up at a superior pace.

    Adaptability- I mentioned above that you are thick skinned. I only wonder if you are able to change your opinion with new information and change your behavior/thought processes when justified constructive criticism comes you way.
    Language on TS- I do not really view this as a weakness, since it is mainly during private conversations with fellow adults. This could fall into the category of "Adaptability". Can you discern in which situations and around which people language is acceptable?
    Activity on forums and in /shout- You aren't very active on the forums or in /shout. This is something that can easily be remedied. I'd like to see you interact with server members outside of your group of friends.
    Age groups- Again, this could fall into adaptability. We have many different age groups on the server ranging from very young (8-11 yrs), teens and adults. I feel you are fully capable of dealing with teenagers and adults. However, I am not entirely sure how you would deal with a young child. Imagine a scenario in which you must empathize while also being firm, with a crying 9 year old about a ban or rule violation.

    I may have missed a few things. If so, I'll edit them in as I remember them. All things considered, I will give you a +1. I feel that you will learn quickly and become a very capable member of the staff team.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  7. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    •You always tell me to shut my face

    In all seriousness though,
    •Extremely active on ts and ingame
    •I see you a little bit around the forums, but this isn't really a big priority
    •You are very smart and ready for the position
    •You always try to help in shout and you are just naturally active in shout
    •You really gotta stop cursing on ts for real, I mean if it's a couple people it's fine but if you want to be staff, severe language and staff never go together

    That's all I'm gonna say because that's pretty much all that I can think of right now. Good luck Epic! ;)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2014 ---
    Oh and also I thought you said you didn't like the way staff was run and that I shouldn't apply? Why are you applying then?

    LMR_FUDD Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:

    +Active IG
    +Active on TS
    -Forums Activity

    Good luck!
  9. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -App is lacking
    -Knows how to minecraft
    -not a noob anymore
    -would be a good helper.
  10. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    Your app is short, but that doesn't really mean anything to me because actions speak louder than words, and anyone can sit down and write a lengthy application full of bs. You are intelligent, mature, and committed to the server. You are well liked by most everyone you've come into contact with which is a very good trait for a staff member to have. If this doesn't get accepted I'll eat my hat.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  11. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    Epic, you're extremely driven and always want to get things done. That's a really good quality for a staff member to have. The only thing I would like to see you work on is patience. Other than that, I would really enjoy seeing how an interview goes for you. :)
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  12. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -.5. You're well known in the community, and generally a nice guy, but I've seen on one or two occasions where I will be in TS with you, and you will say you're intoxicated and go off swearing and ranting. That is not the kind of thing we need on the server.
  13. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

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    You seem like a nice guy, you are well known to the community.
    App was lacking, and it was very short.
    I think you would be a great mod if you work on some little issues.
    Good luck!
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  14. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

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    ^^^^ all this said above but I see potential -.5
  15. scoowby

    scoowby Celebrity Meeper

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  16. jacknat96

    jacknat96 Celebrity Meeper

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    this is someone who is on the server a lot and will go out of his way to help people with anything they need help with I have only seen good things from him. +1 Good luck
    mistressmacabre likes this.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    While I don't necessarily mind you curing in TS when it's just me and bob4444444 or whatever, but when you're in groups with lots of people, it's not okay.
    forum activity is so-so, game activity is pretty nice.
    You brag about your money a lot.
    I think you would be an awesome staff member, but you need to change your attitude a bit. -.5, but good luck.
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  18. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This is biased as heck but +1
    I can look past all your swearing and see that you're a really nice person and have a want to help others especially through your work on fruit and salad.
    MyGmail and KariStar86 like this.
  19. Ktkadabbler

    Ktkadabbler Meeper

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    -1 cuz he made me remove my last post :muted:..... but no really... +1 :kiss: -1 if he makes me remove this one :rage:
  20. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

    Likes Received:
    - Forum acclivity
    -Not helpful in /shout
    +Active IG
    -Not mature...
    -Weak app
    +You do know a lot though about commands and stuff from being around us nooby staff members :p
    +Can be nice at points...
    I'll give you a +/- Good luck though!
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